The Outbreak and Development of the Maji Maji War 1905-1907

The Outbreak and Development of the Maji Maji War 1905-1907 is a doctoral thesis, accepted 1973 at the University of Dar es Salaam.
Gwassa, Gilbert Clement Kamana
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Title: The Outbreak and Development of the Maji Maji War 1905-1907
Author: Gilbert Clement Kamana Gwassa
Editor: Wolfgang Apelt
Series: InterCultura. Missions- und kulturgeschichtliche Forschungen Band 5
Publisher: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag
Köln, 2005
ISBN 3896454463 / ISBN 3-89645-446-3
Softcover, 16 x 24 cm, 330 pages, 2 maps

About: The Outbreak and Development of the Maji Maji War 1905-1907

The basis of the work for "The outbreak and development of the Maji Maji War 1905-1907" was field research and archival work done between 1966 and 1969. Since that time much has been published on the war but the work of Tanzanian historian Gilbert Clement Kamana Gwassa (1939-1982) is still the base where to start. His book describes a failure of which perhaps many people would not like to be reminded. As Gwassa says "After the famine Maji Maji songs of blame began to be composed. The people then thought it had all been a swindle from which they had to run in future". Of course, people will look differently at the outbreak and development of the Maji Maji War 1905-1907, many of them will doubt the high figure of casualties Gwassa gives but an official German source gives for the financial year 1906/07 the figure of 75,000 dead people. The editor thanks Mrs. Florence Gwassa who gave the permission to publish this work of her late husband.

Content: The Outbreak and Development of the Maji Maji War 1905-1907

Editor's Preface
Notes on the Edition
The Peoples of Southern Tanzania Before 1905
The Colonial Situation
Traditional Ideas, Maji Ideology and the War
The Outbreak of War
War Defeat and Punishment
The Origins of Violence Reviewed
Colonialism and African Resistance - An Epilogue

App. A: Matumbi Calendar and Activities
App. B: An Example of Executions in Southwest Matumbiland
App. C: Recording and Preservation of Texts in the Field Bibliography
Supplementary Bibliography up to 2005
Map 1: Ethnic Groups involved in the Maji Maji Rebellion
Map 2: Place Names in Connection with Maji Maji