Reports on the Regional Assessment of the Status of the San in Southern Africa
Leben und Tod bei den Tswana
Pale Native
In Search of South Africa's Perfect Woman
Eccentric South Africa
Anatomy of South Africa. Who holds the power?
A Life in Transition. Alex Boraine
The Fred de Vries interviews - From Abdullah to Zille
Gangs, politics and dignity in Cape Town
Leben und arbeiten in Südafrika
Südafrika. Ein Land im Umbruch
Reisegast in Südafrika (Iwanowski)
The Small Matter of a Horse: The Life of Nongoloza Mathebula
Pots and Poetry and other Essays
Publish and be Damned. Two Decades of Scandals
Begging to be black
A Change of Tongue
Behind the Badge. The South African Police Service
Street Blues. The Experiences of a Reluctant Policeman
Beyond the miracle: Inside the new South Africa
The arms deal in your pocket
Südafrika: Katerstimmung am Kap
On the bridge of goodbye: The story of South Africa’s discarded San soldiers
People's war: New light on the struggle for South Africa

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