Wildlife of Southern Africa
Fauna und Flora im südlichen Afrika
A Complete Guide to the Snakes of Southern Africa (2nd edtion 2004)
What’s that Snake? A starter’s guide to snakes of southern Africa
A Guide to the Reptiles of Southern Africa
Chameleons of Southern Africa
Tortoises, terrapins and turtles of Africa
My first book of Southern African snakes and other reptiles
First Field Guide to Snakes & Reptiles of Southern Africa
First Field Guide to Frogs of Southern Africa
Venomous Snakes of the World
Frogs of Southern Africa. A complete Guide
What's that Reptile? A starter's guide to reptils of southern Africa
Sounds of the African Bush
On Track: Quick ID Guide to Southern and East African Animal Tracks
Snakes & snakebite in Southern Africa
Common Amphibians and Reptiles of Botswana
Freshwater Life: A field guide to the plants and animals of southern Africa
My first book of Southern African wildlife
My first book of Southern African animal tracks
Wildlife of the Okavango
First Field Guide to Animal Tracks of Southern Africa
Snakes and other Reptiles of Southern Africa (Pocket Guide)
Find 50 in the Game Reserve: Have fun exploring Southern Africa

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