
Insects, spiders and scorpions of South Africa and other places of Southern Africa, are described and illustrated in several highly specialized guides.

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First Field Guide to Spiders and Scorpions of Southern Africa

These little guides are an invaluable resource for beginners Learn More
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€9.95 *

Field Guide to Insects of South Africa

The first comprehensive field guide to insects of South Africa presenting over 1200 species in colour. Learn More
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€37.50 *

Scorpions of Southern Africa

The species included here are those most likely to be encountered among the Scorpions of Southern Africa. Learn More
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€19.95 *

Wildlife of Southern Africa

This is an excellent universal field guide to wildlife of Southern Africa. Learn More
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€19.95 *

Fauna und Flora im südlichen Afrika

Fauna und Flora im südlichen Afrika: Ein sehr beliebtes Handbuch für die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt der Region. Learn More
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€35.00 *

Spiders of Southern Africa

The guide Spiders of Southern Africa gives a sharp insight into a complex, often mysterious and always fascinating world of arachnids. Learn More
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€22.50 *

Field Guide to Butterflies of South Africa

For easy identification in the field this comprehencive field guide features all of South Africa’s more than 660 butterfly species. Learn More
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€35.50 *

First Field Guide to Butterflies and Moths of Southern Africa

First Field Guide to Butterflies and Moths of Southern Africa introduces to the more common moth and butterfly groups that occur in the southern African region. Learn More
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€9.95 *

First Field Guide to Insects of Southern Africa

These little guides are an invaluable resource for beginners Learn More
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€9.95 *

Ecoguide Fynbos

This ecoguide introduces 400 wildflowers and birds, insects, spiders, reptiles and mammals in their environment in the Fynbos region of South Africa. Learn More
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€29.95 *

Filmer's Spiders. An Identification Guide For Southern Africa

Filmer's Spiders Identification Guide For Southern Africa features all 63 families of spider that occur in this region. Learn More
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€17.80 *

Alien & Invasive Animals: A South African Perspective

Alien & Invasive Animals is the first book to be published on alien animals from the South African perspective. Learn More
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€24.80 *

What's that Butterfly?

What's that Butterfly? introduces the novice to a selection of the more than 660 species of butterfly in South Africa. Learn More
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€19.95 *

On Track: Quick ID Guide to Southern and East African Animal Tracks

On Track is a quick identification guide to tracks of Southern and East African most commonly found mammals, reptiles, rodents, birds and insects. Learn More
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€7.80 *

Pocket Guide: Butterflies of South Africa

This pocket guide offers concise text describing the habits, favoured habitat and early life stages of butterflies of South Africa. Learn More
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€12.80 *

Remarkable insects of South Africa

Remarkable Insects of South Africa features many unique never before published photographs. Learn More
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€24.80 *

Biodiversity in southern Africa

Biodiversity in southern Africa introduces to results of 10 years of joint research by South African, Namibian, and German institutions within the project “BIOTA Southern Africa. Learn More
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€75.00 *

Freshwater Life: A field guide to the plants and animals of southern Africa

Freshwater life, the first illustrated field guide of its kind for the wider southern African region, describes a vast range of plant and animal groups. Learn More
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€34.80 *

A guide to the dragonflies and damselflies of South Africa

This field guide to the dragonflies and damselflies of South Africa covers all species known to occur in the region. Learn More
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€9.95 *

My first book of Southern African creepy-crawlies

My first book of Southern African creepy-crawlies covers 58 spiders, snails, millipedes and other creatures, excluding insects. Learn More
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€14.80 *

My first book of Southern African insects

My First Book of Southern African Insects presents 58 of the most common, intriguing and beautiful species. Learn More
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€14.80 *

First Field Guide to Animal Tracks of Southern Africa

This First Field Guide helps interpreting animal tracks to indentify the Southern African animals that have passed through an area. Learn More
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€9.95 *

Insects of South Africa (Pocket Guide)

The Pocket Guide to Insects of South Africa features some 431 insects species. Learn More
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€12.50 *

African Wildlife Quiz Book

The African Wildlife Quiz Book is packed with quizzes, crosswords, word searches, brainteasers and interesting facts. Learn More
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€8.90 *

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