Die Erziehung des Negers zur Arbeit
Entdeckungsreise in das Innere Südwestafrikas
Heavens Things
Völker ohne Schrift und Geschichte
Achtzehn Monate unter General de la Rey. Der erzwungene Krieg
Reports on the Regional Assessment of the Status of the San in Southern Africa
Jäger und Gejagte - Die Buschleute im südlichen Afrika
32 Battalion
Letters from Robben Island
Reflections in Prison
The African Archaeology Network: Research in Progress
An Unpopular War
A Century of Sundays - 100 Years of Breaking News in the Sunday Times
The Story of Earth and Life. A southern African perspective on a 4.6-billion-year journey
Structure, meaning and ritual in the narratives of the Southern San
The Scots in South Africa. Ethnicity, identity, gender and race 1772-1914
Schrift – Macht – Alltag. Lesen und Schreiben im kolonialen Südafrika
Goodbye Dolly Gray. The Story of the Boer War
Seven Khoi Lives: Cape Biographies of the Seventeenth Century
Winston Churchill. The Making of a Hero in the South African War
Early Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope
Das Burenfreikorps von Deutsch-Südwestafrika 1914-1915
Platinum, Gold and Diamonds. The story of Hans Merensky’s discovery
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