Title: Mammals of Botswana and surrounding areas
Author: Veronica Roodt
Veronica Roodt Publications
Hartbeespoort, South Africa 2011
ISBN 9780986992667 / ISBN 978-0-9869926-6-7
Softcover, 17 x 24 cm, 125 pages, throughout colour photos and images
Different sections: The first section of the book, provides information on the anatomy and physiology of mammals, in other words, how they are structured and how their 'insides' work. The behaviour of an animal is closely linked to, and often determined by its anatomy and physiology. The skeleton and skull are described in detail with photographs and illustations and there is information on skull muscles, dentition, locomotion, senses, reproduction, digestion and thermoregulation.
Animal identifiction: In the identification section, one page is allocated to each animal. There is at least one photograph per animal, but where possible, two (male and female). Photographs of the droppings and skull and a sketch of the spoor are provided for each animal. The droppings were photographed with a match-stick for scale and the spoor include measurements. The skulls were photographed at the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History, Pretoria.
Distribution maps: Distribution maps for the Southern African subregion as well as one for Botswana accompany each animal. This will make the book useful in other areas as well. The animal names occur in English, Setswana, German, Afrikaans, Spanish, French and Italian.
Basic information: The basic information on weight, gestation, habitat, food, social structure, etc., is summarized in a separate block for each animal. The dental formula is also included in the summary and the formula is explained. The 'Did you know?' section contains additional interesting facts about the animal.
Colour codes: The book is colour-coded for quick reference and the colour codes are indicated in the contents for cross reference. The animals are divided into six major groups (each with their own colour) - the non-ruminants, the ruminants, the carnivores, the non-carnivorous small mammals, the rodents and shrews and lastly, the bats. At the beginning of each section there is information about the group and a visual diagram of the orders, suborders, families and sub-families within the group.