Heavens Things
My Dad – By South African Sons
Brett Kebble - The Inside Story
Timeless Encounters. Fritz Krampe, a painter’s life in Africa
A Life in Transition. Alex Boraine
Vom Krämerbuben zum Brotmillionär
The Small Matter of a Horse: The Life of Nongoloza Mathebula
Seven Khoi Lives: Cape Biographies of the Seventeenth Century
Publish and be Damned. Two Decades of Scandals
Platinum, Gold and Diamonds. The story of Hans Merensky’s discovery
Dapper kinders van Suid-Afrika
Lady Trader. A Biography of Mrs Sarah Heckford
Anton van Wouw: The smaller works
The Passion for Reason. Essays in Honour of Frederik Van Zyl Slabbert
Zuma: A biography
Captured in time: Five centuries of South African writing
Crossing the borders of power: The memoirs of Colin Eglin
Strooidak en Toring
Überlebenskampf in der Namib. Erlebnisse des Frachtfahrers Adriaan Esterhuizen
The Free Diary of Albie Sachs
Black Jerusalem
Touch My Blood
The Unexploded Boer
Life and Works: Charles Michell

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