
Amphibien stellen als Klasse Amphibia drei Ordnungen dar, wovon nur eine, die Anura (Frösche), im südlichen Afrika vorkommt. Die beiden anderen Ordnungen sind die Caudata, Salamander und Molche der nördlichen Halbkugel, und die Apoda, beinlose Caecilidae der afrikanischen Tropenwälder.

In absteigender Reihenfolge

Fauna und Flora im südlichen Afrika

Fauna und Flora im südlichen Afrika: Ein sehr beliebtes Handbuch für die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt der Region. Mehr erfahren
Ende Januar wieder lieferbar. Hier vorbestellen!
35,00 € *

Frogs and Frogging in South Africa

Frogs and Frogging in Southern Africa examines how these remarkable creatures behave and how they have adapted to different habitats. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

Sounds of the African Bush

Sounds of the African Bush consits of a CD with 76 African animal calls and a book with full-colour photographs, maps and species descriptions. Mehr erfahren
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12,80 € *

The Reef Guide. Fishes, corals, nudibranchs and other invertebrates East and South Coasts of Southern Africa

This reef guide documents some 800 reef fishes and invertebrates found along the east and south coasts of southern Africa and the western Indian Ocean Islands. Mehr erfahren
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18,95 € *

Freshwater Life: A field guide to the plants and animals of southern Africa

Freshwater life, the first illustrated field guide of its kind for the wider southern African region, describes a vast range of plant and animal groups. Mehr erfahren
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34,80 € *

My first book of Southern African seashore life

My first book of Southern African seashore life covers 58 sea creatures and plants that are likely to be found at the shore. Mehr erfahren
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14,80 € *

My first book of Southern African frogs

My first book of Southern African Frogs introduces 55 different types of frog and includes a CD of their calls. Mehr erfahren
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14,80 € *

African Wildlife Quiz Book

The African Wildlife Quiz Book is packed with quizzes, crosswords, word searches, brainteasers and interesting facts. Mehr erfahren
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8,90 € *

Find 50 in the Game Reserve: Have fun exploring Southern Africa

Find 50 wild animals and birds as you venture out on your next trip, exploring one of the game reserves of Southern Africa. Mehr erfahren
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5,90 € *

Nature Unpacked: The traveller's ultimate bush guide to Southern Africa

Nature Unpacked is the ultimate travelling companion for those visiting the southern African bush. Mehr erfahren
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24,80 € *

Stuarts' Field Guide to the Tracks & Signs of Southern, Central and East African Wildlife

Stuarts' Field Guide to the Tracks & Signs of Southern, Central and East African Wildlife, this is the 5th revised edition. Mehr erfahren
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29,95 € *

Living Deserts of Southern Africa

Living Deserts of Southern Africa is a fascinating geographic regional study on Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. Mehr erfahren
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25,95 € *

Field Guide to the Frogs & other Amphibians of Africa

The Field Guide to the Frogs & other Amphibians of Africa is the first guide ever to cover the 788 frogs, 23 caecilians and 4 salamanders of Africa. Mehr erfahren
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29,95 € *

Field Guide to Renosterveld of the Overberg

Field Guide to Renosterveld of the Overberg, the most important vegetation type in South Africa that you have never heard of. Mehr erfahren
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49,95 € *

Tracks & Tracking in Southern Africa (Pocket Guide)

Tracks & Tracking in Southern Africa (Pocket Guide) features clear diagnostic drawings of more than 125 animal tracks. Mehr erfahren
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12,80 € *

Field Guide to Fynbos Fauna

The Field Guide to Fynbos Fauna features 420 species of frog, reptile, bird and mammal found in the unique Fynbos biome. Mehr erfahren
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20,99 € *

Exploring the Seashore in southern Africa

With Exploring the Seashore in southern Africa young adventurers will discover the many marine life treasures to find along the beaches. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

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