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First Field Guide to Wild Flowers of Southern Africa

First Field Guide to Wild Flowers of Southern Africa is an invaluable resource for the beginner, providing information at a glance through superb photographs, maps and easy-to-read text. Mehr erfahren
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9,95 € *

How to Identify Trees in Southern Africa

How to Identify Trees in Southern Africa provides the background knowledge essential for tree identification. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

Lass Bäume sprechen. Eine künstlerische Charakterstudie namibischer Baumtypen

Lass Bäume sprechen wurde von Eberhard von Koenen als künstlerische Charakterstudie namibischer Baumtypen gestaltet. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

Wildlife of Southern Africa

This is an excellent universal field guide to wildlife of Southern Africa. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

Fauna und Flora im südlichen Afrika

Fauna und Flora im südlichen Afrika: Ein sehr beliebtes Handbuch für die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt der Region. Mehr erfahren
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35,00 € *

Aloes in Southern Africa

58 aloes and related species of Southern Africa including cultivation and propagation. Mehr erfahren
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24,50 € *

Guide to Garden Succulents

Scientifically accurate photographic guide for gardeners and horticulturalist to easily identify commonly used species of succulents Mehr erfahren
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39,95 € *

Muthi and Myths from the African Bush

52 compelling tales that lead on a journey of discovery of African plant mythology and its associated healing practices Mehr erfahren
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39,95 € *

Photo Guide to Trees of Southern Africa

Photo Guide to Trees of Southern Africa is an invaluable identification and reference guide to 300 of the more common tree species. Mehr erfahren
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29,95 € *

Succulent Flora of Southern Africa

Succulent Flora of Southern Africa is an authoritative guide for academics and lay enthusiasts alike. Mehr erfahren
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34,80 € *

Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa

Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa describes and illustrates more than 1000 species, focusing on the most common and those most likely to be encountered. Mehr erfahren
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39,95 € *

Pocket Guide: Trees of Southern Africa

The Pocket Guide Trees of Southern Africa introduces to the region’s trees, describing and illustrating 132 species. Mehr erfahren
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12,80 € *

Medicinal plants of the world

Medicinal Plants of the World is a comprehensive and scientifically accurate guide to the best-known and most important medicinal plants, including those of special commercial or historical interest. Mehr erfahren
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49,95 € *

Food plants of the world

Food Plants of the World is a comprehensive overview of the plants that provide us with food, beverages, spices and flavours. Mehr erfahren
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39,00 € *

Cut flowers of the world

Cut Flowers of the World describes and illustrates more than 330 different species of commercially important flowers, foliages and potted flowers. Mehr erfahren
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49,95 € *

Guide to succulents of Southern Africa

Guide to Succulents of Southern Africa is an accessible, user-friendly guide to the identification of these increasingly popular plants. Mehr erfahren
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19,80 € *

Freshwater Life: A field guide to the plants and animals of southern Africa

Freshwater life, the first illustrated field guide of its kind for the wider southern African region, describes a vast range of plant and animal groups. Mehr erfahren
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34,80 € *

Find 50 in the Game Reserve: Have fun exploring Southern Africa

Find 50 wild animals and birds as you venture out on your next trip, exploring one of the game reserves of Southern Africa. Mehr erfahren
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5,90 € *

Guide to Trees Introduced into Southern Africa

Guide to Trees: Introduced into Southern Africa is an invaluable guide for landscapers, gardeners and all tree enthusiasts. Mehr erfahren
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24,80 € *

Indigenous Healing Plants

This ethnobotanical plant guide introduces to the various uses of more than 140 indigenous plants of Southern Africa. Mehr erfahren
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29,95 € *

Nature Unpacked: The traveller's ultimate bush guide to Southern Africa

Nature Unpacked is the ultimate travelling companion for those visiting the southern African bush. Mehr erfahren
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24,80 € *

Field Guide to Succulents in Southern Africa

Field Guide to Succulents in Southern Africa is user-friendly, richly illustrated, featuring +700 southern African succulents. Mehr erfahren
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29,95 € *

What's that Tree? A starter's guide to treas of southern Africa

Amateur and more seasoned tree-spotters will welcom What's that Tree? A starter's guide to treas of southern Africa. Mehr erfahren
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29,95 € *

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