The Shallow Grave and Other True Crime Stories
Gri-Gri. Zauber der Wüste
32 Battalion
Pale Native
In Search of South Africa's Perfect Woman
My Dad – By South African Sons
Eccentric South Africa
Van Lill’s South African Miscellany
An Unpopular War: From afkak to bosbefok. Voices of South African National Servicemen
Why I’ll Never Live In Oz Again. Or The UK, The US, Canada Or New Zealand, For That Matter
Freedom Flight
Acid Alex
Along the Hunter's Path
Vom Krämerbuben zum Brotmillionär
Lighthouses of South Africa
OPS Medic. A National Serviceman’s Border War
Boer Boy. Memoires of an Anglo-Boer War youth
From Soldier to Civvy. South African National Service
Troepie: From Call-up to Camps
Behind the Badge. The South African Police Service
Street Blues. The Experiences of a Reluctant Policeman

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