
Erinnerungen und Memoiren wurden in Südafrika oft und zu allen Zeiten verfaßt. Das aktuelle Südafrika-Angebot dieser so interessanten Literaturform finden Sie hier.

In absteigender Reihenfolge

The Shallow Grave and Other True Crime Stories

True High-profile crime cases the author has solved in recent years Mehr erfahren
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25,50 € *

Gri-Gri. Zauber der Wüste

Oberst a. D. Peter Willers berichtet in seinem Buch Gri-Gri. Zauber der Wüste von seinen Einsätzen in Afrika als Soldat, Jäger und Minenräumer. Mehr erfahren
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9,95 € *

32 Battalion

32 Battalion is the inside story of South Africa's elite fighting unit of the South African Defence Force SADF. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *


The complete story of the township until modern day street accounts Mehr erfahren
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33,50 € *

Pale Native

Pale Native Max du Preez tells a true story about the risks of investigative journalism in the front line in South Africa. Mehr erfahren
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27,50 € *

In Search of South Africa's Perfect Woman

A must-read for dudes looking for lasting love in South Africa Mehr erfahren
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24,50 € *

My Dad – By South African Sons

A collection of stories about things said and not left unsaid Mehr erfahren
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28,50 € *

Eccentric South Africa

Eccentric South Africa is a celebration of extraordinary people and places in South Africa. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

Van Lill’s South African Miscellany

Comprehensive compendium of little known facts about well-know topics focused on South Africa Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

An Unpopular War: From afkak to bosbefok. Voices of South African National Servicemen

An Unpopular War: From afkak to bosbefok. Voices of South African National Servicemen is a riveting, personal look at recent South African history, and a poignant reminder of the multi-faceted effects of war on innocent youngsters. Mehr erfahren
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24,80 € *


Rescued from the maw of Hillbrow’s drug and prostitution underworld Mehr erfahren
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22,00 € *

Why I’ll Never Live In Oz Again. Or The UK, The US, Canada Or New Zealand, For That Matter

Amusing tales of life in other pastures will have emigrés thinking twice Mehr erfahren
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16,90 € *


Compilation of short fiction from South Africa’s most accomplished women authors Mehr erfahren
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19,50 € *

Freedom Flight

Two South African pilots touch down on each continent of the world on the longest expedition ever flown in microlights Mehr erfahren
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27,50 € *

Acid Alex

This book will do for South African culture what Trainspotting did for modern Scottish consciousness Mehr erfahren
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23,50 € *

Along the Hunter's Path

A monumental, passionate work dealing with thoughts and hunting experiences in Namibia and other parts of Africa Mehr erfahren
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115,00 € *

Vom Krämerbuben zum Brotmillionär

Lebenserinnerungen eines oberbayrischen Bäckermeisters und Unternehmers in Südafrika und Namibia Mehr erfahren
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19,80 € *

Lighthouses of South Africa

Lighthouses of South Africa is an epic story of shipping over the centuries and of mariners who embarked on competitive quests for wealth and exploration, braving the Cape of Good Hope. Mehr erfahren
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79,00 € *

OPS Medic. A National Serviceman’s Border War

A National Serviceman’s Border War is the story of an OPS Medic in the SA Medical Service SAMS 1984-1986. Mehr erfahren
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28,50 € *

Boer Boy. Memoires of an Anglo-Boer War youth

Enthralling, poignant and richly informative, Boer Boy is a valuable addition to the history of the Anglo-Boer War. Mehr erfahren
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29,95 € *

From Soldier to Civvy. South African National Service

From Soldier to Civvy provides valuable new insights into South African National Service and its far-reaching consequences. Mehr erfahren
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23,80 € *

Troepie: From Call-up to Camps

Troepie: From Call-up to Camps is a compilation of recollections by more than forty former conscripts about their time in the South African Defence Force. Mehr erfahren
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29,50 € *

Behind the Badge. The South African Police Service

In Behind the Badge, policemen and -women speak frankly about the psychological toll of police work and reveal the hidden life of the police. Mehr erfahren
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22,00 € *

Street Blues. The Experiences of a Reluctant Policeman

Written from direct experience, 'Street Blues: The Experiences of a Reluctant Policeman' is a must-read for anyone concerned with crime and policing in South Africa. Mehr erfahren
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19,80 € *

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