
In absteigender Reihenfolge

Benni, der kleine Elefant; Benni, the little elephant

Benni, der kleine Elefant: Ein Mal- und Erzählbuch aus Namibia! Benni, the little elephant: Nicely made colour- and story-book from Namibia. Mehr erfahren
sofort lieferbar
9,95 € *

Benni und der Zauberstein; Benni and the magic stone

Ein Mal- und Erzählbuch aus Namibia! Nicely made colour- and story-book from Namibia! Mehr erfahren
sofort lieferbar
9,95 € *

Benni - Ich bin doch Dein Freund

Ein Mal- und Erzählbuch aus Namibia! Nicely made colour- and story-book from Namibia! Mehr erfahren
sofort lieferbar
9,95 € *

An African ABC

Imaginatively written and colorfully illustrated, An African ABC is one of those rare ABC books that can be as enthusiastically recommended. Mehr erfahren
sofort lieferbar
13,80 € *

Fender’s Day at the Harbour

In Fender’s Day at the Harbour, we drive to the coast and hear of Jack and Dan going fishing. Mehr erfahren
sofort lieferbar
24,80 € *

A Baobab is Big and other verses from Africa

A Baobab is Big and other verses from Africa is a beautiful, fun and perceptive celebration of African images and themes as seen from a child's perspective. Mehr erfahren
sofort lieferbar
11,50 € *

Wanyama-Animals: Learning Swahili is Fun!

Wanyama-Animals: Learning Swahili is Fun! features 40 common animal names in Swahili and English. Mehr erfahren
sofort lieferbar
7,95 € *

Chizi's Tale. Based on a true story of an orphaned black rhino

Chizi's Tale, a colourful illustraded children's book, is based on a true story of an orphaned black rhino. Mehr erfahren
sofort lieferbar
16,80 € *

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