
Südafrika ist für Freunde der Geo-Wissenschaften, besonders der Geologie und Mineralogie, ein Füllhorn erdgeschichtlicher Erscheinungen.

In absteigender Reihenfolge

Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals of Southern Africa

A field guide to Rocks and minerals of Southern Africa covers Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Swaziland and southern Mozambique. Mehr erfahren
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39,95 € *

Geological journeys. A traveller’s guide to South Africa’s rocks and landforms

Geological Journeys: a traveller’s guide to South Africa’s rocks and landforms is an essential companion for car journeys. Mehr erfahren
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26,80 € *

The Story of Earth and Life. A southern African perspective on a 4.6-billion-year journey

The Story of Earth and Life explaines southern African scientific knowledge in a fascinating and easy-to-understand way. Mehr erfahren
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34,80 € *

First Field Guide to gemstones of Southern Africa

This little guides from the series First Field Guide is a good resource for beginners on gemstones of Southern Africa. Mehr erfahren
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9,95 € *

Platinum, Gold and Diamonds. The story of Hans Merensky’s discovery

This biography of Hans Merensky’s tells far more about this successful geologist than about his successful mining of platinum, gold and diamonds only. Mehr erfahren
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26,80 € *

Rocks & Minerals of Southern Africa Pocket Guide

From the series Pocket Guide this is Rocks & Minerals of Southern Africa. Mehr erfahren
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16,80 € *

How on Earth?

How on Earth? sets out to answer puzzles in nature and the environment of Africa and the world. Mehr erfahren
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22,00 € *

Wüsten: Entstehung, Kennzeichen, Lebensraum

Die Entstehung und Kennzeichen des Lebensraum der Wüsten sind reich an spannenden Facetten, die es sich zu entdecken lohnt! Mehr erfahren
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12,99 € *

Hans Merensky. Geologe und Mäzen. Platin, Gold und Diamanten in Afrika

Der deutsche Geologe und Mäzen Hans Merensky bescherte Südafrika die bedeutendsten Funde an Platin, Gold, Diamanten und Phosphaten, von denen das Land heute noch zehrt. Mehr erfahren
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29,80 € *

Geology off the beaten track. Exploring South Africa's hidden treasures

Geology off the beaten track introduces geological sites and treasures beyond the major routes across South Africa. Mehr erfahren
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29,95 € *

Biodiversity in southern Africa

Biodiversity in southern Africa introduces to results of 10 years of joint research by South African, Namibian, and German institutions within the project “BIOTA Southern Africa. Mehr erfahren
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75,00 € *

Box of rocks: Beginner's guide to South African Geology

Kept simple and well illustrated, Box of rocks: Beginner's guide to South African Geology, is desinged for the young Geologist and rock collector. Mehr erfahren
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12,50 € *

50 must-see geological sites in South Africa

50 Must-See Geological Sites presents geologically interesting sites to visit and see in South Africa. Mehr erfahren
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27,90 € *

Understanding minerals and crystals

Minerals & Crystals takes a close look at minerals, how they form, why they differ and how to go about identifying them. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

First Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals of Southern Africa

This First Field Guide introduces the most important and interesting rocks and minerals of Southern Africa. Mehr erfahren
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9,95 € *

Die Zinnerzvorkommen und der Zinnbergbau Afrikas

Mit zahlreichen Faltkarten ausgestattete Studie gibt nach politischen Gebieten geordnete Übersicht der bis 1943 bekannten Zinnerzvorkommen und des Zinnbergbaus Afrikas, auch der ehemaligen deutschen Kolonien. Mehr erfahren
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129,00 € *

Minerals and Gemstones of Southern Africa

Minerals and Gemstones of Southern Africa introduces to the more important mineral and gem localities from Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Namibia and South Africa. Mehr erfahren
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24,95 € *

Africa's Top Geological Sites

Africa's Top Geological Sites uncovers 44 African landscapes and phenomena, with countless colour photographs, explanatory diagrams and maps. Mehr erfahren
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69,95 € *

Minerals & Crystals: Morphology - Properties - Identification

Minerals & Crystals: Morphology, Properties, Identification examines a selection of important minerals, how they form, their physical characteristics, and how to go about identifying them. Mehr erfahren
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49,95 € *

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