Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals of Southern Africa
Geological journeys. A traveller’s guide to South Africa’s rocks and landforms
The Story of Earth and Life. A southern African perspective on a 4.6-billion-year journey
First Field Guide to gemstones of Southern Africa
Platinum, Gold and Diamonds. The story of Hans Merensky’s discovery
Rocks & Minerals of Southern Africa Pocket Guide
How on Earth?
Wüsten: Entstehung, Kennzeichen, Lebensraum
Hans Merensky. Geologe und Mäzen. Platin, Gold und Diamanten in Afrika
Geology off the beaten track. Exploring South Africa's hidden treasures
Biodiversity in southern Africa
Box of rocks: Beginner's guide to South African Geology
50 must-see geological sites in South Africa
Understanding minerals and crystals
First Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals of Southern Africa
Die Zinnerzvorkommen und der Zinnbergbau Afrikas
Minerals and Gemstones of Southern Africa
Africa's Top Geological Sites
Minerals & Crystals: Morphology - Properties - Identification

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