
Das Thema Umwelt ist in Südafrika Gegenstand zahlreicher Forschungsprojekte mit starken Praxisbezügen z. B. der Ernährung und der Wasserversorgung.

In absteigender Reihenfolge

The Story of Earth and Life. A southern African perspective on a 4.6-billion-year journey

The Story of Earth and Life explaines southern African scientific knowledge in a fascinating and easy-to-understand way. Mehr erfahren
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34,80 € *

Ecoguide Fynbos

This ecoguide introduces 400 wildflowers and birds, insects, spiders, reptiles and mammals in their environment in the Fynbos region of South Africa. Mehr erfahren
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29,95 € *

Making the most of Indigenous Trees

A most significant, useful and practical book on 144 tree species of South Africa Mehr erfahren
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39,95 € *

Waterwise Gardening in South Africa and Namibia

Waterwise Gardening in South Africa and Namibia is aimed at anyone who wants to create a new garden or convert an existing one to waterwise principles. Mehr erfahren
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59,95 € *

Pocket Guide: Mushrooms of South Africa

The pocket guide to Mushrooms of South Africa features a selection of the species more commonly found in the region. Mehr erfahren
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12,80 € *

Alien & Invasive Animals: A South African Perspective

Alien & Invasive Animals is the first book to be published on alien animals from the South African perspective. Mehr erfahren
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24,80 € *

Kruidjie roer my. Die antieke helingskuns van die Karoo-veld

Kruidjie roer my - Die antieke helingskuns van die Karoo-veld is nie ’n mediese gids nie maar ’n harts-gids. Alles kom uit Antoinette se hart uit. Volg dit en jy sal haar heling ervaar. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

Stargazing from Game Reserves in Southern Africa

A must-have for outdoor enthusiasts, Stargazing from Game Reserves in Southern Africa offers visitors to game and nature parks an exciting night-time activity. Mehr erfahren
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22,50 € *

How on Earth?

How on Earth? sets out to answer puzzles in nature and the environment of Africa and the world. Mehr erfahren
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22,00 € *

Stuarts' Field Guide to National Parks and Nature Reserves of South Africa

Stuarts' Field Guide to National Parks and Nature Reserves of South Africa offers a comprehensive overview of 43 parks, reserves and wilderness areas. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

Shaping Kruger: The Dynamics of Managing Wildlife in Africa's Premier Game Park

Shaping Kruger: The Dynamics of Managing Wildlife in Africa's Premier Game Park provides fascinating insight into the lives, habits and behaviour of the larger animals that significantly affect the workings of the park. Mehr erfahren
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24,80 € *

Wüsten: Entstehung, Kennzeichen, Lebensraum

Die Entstehung und Kennzeichen des Lebensraum der Wüsten sind reich an spannenden Facetten, die es sich zu entdecken lohnt! Mehr erfahren
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12,99 € *

Into the River of Life. A biography of Ian Player

Into the River of Life is the story and biography of Ian Player, an internationally recognised environmentalist and conservationist. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

The White Rhino Saga

The White Rhino Saga is a tale of adventure, of Africa, of animals, and of the man who set out to save them. Mehr erfahren
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17,50 € *

Kruger National Park: Questions & Answers

Kruger National Park: Questions & Answers is a compilation of the questions most frequently asked by visitors to the Park. Mehr erfahren
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17,50 € *

Kirstenbosch Journal

Decorated with African wild flowers, the Kirstenbosch Journal is designed as a gardening journal. Mehr erfahren
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12,50 € *

Problem plants and alien weeds of South Africa

This revised edition helps recognising, understanding and controling problem plants and alien weeds in South Africa's regions. Mehr erfahren
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39,95 € *

Bushveld: Ecology and Management

Seventeen of South Africa's most prominent bush experts share their knowledge about ecology and management of the Bushveld. Mehr erfahren
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39,95 € *

Game Ranger in Your Backpack: All-in-one interpretative guide to the Lowveld

Game Ranger in Your Backpack is intended to substitute the presence of a personal guide during visits to the Lowveld region of South Africa. Mehr erfahren
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39,95 € *

Fynbos: Ecology and Management

Fynbos: Ecology and Management is suitable for use in all types of fynbos, renosterveld and strandveld, from Clanwilliam and Nieuwoudtville, south to Cape Town and to Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth. Mehr erfahren
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39,95 € *

Easy Guide to landscape design for the home owner

Landscape design for the home owner is an easy guide to most ‘first time garden’ situations and pitfalls and provides guidelines to alterations and changes in garden styles. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

South African Coasts

South African Coasts: a celebration of our seas and shores showcases the very best of the photography as judged in the Sustainable Seas Trust 2013/14 competition. Mehr erfahren
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26,80 € *

Biodiversity in southern Africa

Biodiversity in southern Africa introduces to results of 10 years of joint research by South African, Namibian, and German institutions within the project “BIOTA Southern Africa. Mehr erfahren
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75,00 € *

The secret elephants: The rediscovery of the world's most southerly elephants

'The secret elephants: The rediscovery of the world's most southerly elephants' is the story of the giants of the Knysna forest that made their way back from the brink of extinction. Mehr erfahren
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24,80 € *

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