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First Field Guide to Spiders and Scorpions of Southern Africa

These little guides are an invaluable resource for beginners Mehr erfahren
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9,95 € *

Scorpions of Southern Africa

The species included here are those most likely to be encountered among the Scorpions of Southern Africa. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

Wildlife of Southern Africa

This is an excellent universal field guide to wildlife of Southern Africa. Mehr erfahren
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19,95 € *

Fauna und Flora im südlichen Afrika

Fauna und Flora im südlichen Afrika: Ein sehr beliebtes Handbuch für die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt der Region. Mehr erfahren
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35,00 € *

Spiders of Southern Africa

The guide Spiders of Southern Africa gives a sharp insight into a complex, often mysterious and always fascinating world of arachnids. Mehr erfahren
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22,50 € *

First Field Guide to Butterflies and Moths of Southern Africa

First Field Guide to Butterflies and Moths of Southern Africa introduces to the more common moth and butterfly groups that occur in the southern African region. Mehr erfahren
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9,95 € *

First Field Guide to Insects of Southern Africa

These little guides are an invaluable resource for beginners Mehr erfahren
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9,95 € *

Filmer's Spiders. An Identification Guide For Southern Africa

Filmer's Spiders Identification Guide For Southern Africa features all 63 families of spider that occur in this region. Mehr erfahren
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17,80 € *

Freshwater Life: A field guide to the plants and animals of southern Africa

Freshwater life, the first illustrated field guide of its kind for the wider southern African region, describes a vast range of plant and animal groups. Mehr erfahren
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34,80 € *

My first book of Southern African creepy-crawlies

My first book of Southern African creepy-crawlies covers 58 spiders, snails, millipedes and other creatures, excluding insects. Mehr erfahren
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14,80 € *

My first book of Southern African insects

My First Book of Southern African Insects presents 58 of the most common, intriguing and beautiful species. Mehr erfahren
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14,80 € *

First Field Guide to Animal Tracks of Southern Africa

This First Field Guide helps interpreting animal tracks to indentify the Southern African animals that have passed through an area. Mehr erfahren
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9,95 € *

Find 50 in the Game Reserve: Have fun exploring Southern Africa

Find 50 wild animals and birds as you venture out on your next trip, exploring one of the game reserves of Southern Africa. Mehr erfahren
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5,90 € *

Scorpions of Southern Africa

This edition of Scorpions of Southern Africa has been freshly designed, updated and expanded. Mehr erfahren
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14,80 € *

Nature Unpacked: The traveller's ultimate bush guide to Southern Africa

Nature Unpacked is the ultimate travelling companion for those visiting the southern African bush. Mehr erfahren
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24,80 € *

Insectopedia: The secret world of southern African insects

Fully revised and redesigned, Insectopedia, The secret world of southern African insects, includes up-to-date information throughout, an expanded ID section, and several hundred new photographs. Mehr erfahren
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15,50 € *

Stuarts' Field Guide to the Tracks & Signs of Southern, Central and East African Wildlife

Stuarts' Field Guide to the Tracks & Signs of Southern, Central and East African Wildlife, this is the 5th revised edition. Mehr erfahren
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29,95 € *

Pollinators, Predators & Parasites. The ecological roles of insects in southern Africa

Pollinators, Predators & Parasites. The ecological roles of insects in southern Africa. A remarkable piece on the natural history of southern Africa's insect wealth. Mehr erfahren
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29,80 € *

Tracks & Tracking in Southern Africa (Pocket Guide)

Tracks & Tracking in Southern Africa (Pocket Guide) features clear diagnostic drawings of more than 125 animal tracks. Mehr erfahren
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12,80 € *

Southern African Moths & their Caterpillars

Southern African Moths & their Caterpillars provides an authoritative, comprehensive overview of the moth fauna of the region. Mehr erfahren
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46,50 € *

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