Title: A Rebel for Change in Apartheid South Africa and Colonial Namibia
Author: Gerhard Tötemeyer
Publisher: Gerhard Tötemeyer
Windhoek, Namibia 2017
ISBN 9789994585199 / ISBN 978-99945-85-19-9
Softcover, 17 x 22 cm, 267 pages, numerous photos
In A Rebel for Change in Apartheid South Africa and Colonial Namibia, the reader is told of a closed, oppressive racism and a corrosive system of super- and subordination that denied those who grew up under it an engagement with the 'Other' and with alternative norms and values. This autobiography is as much about writing as it is about thinking a life and locating that life within a fast-changing socio-economic and political context. It testifies to the dedicated hard work and selfless service that the writer rendered over several decades to many Namibians and South Africans of all walks of life, as a friend, father, academic, researcher, sage, politician, believer, and conversationalist. Gerhard Tötemeyer delivers a moving, enlightening, and in parts, provocative, read and in this he makes a significant contribution to the genre of autobiography and to Namibian literature. It deserves to be widely read and discussed, even if it generates controversy. (Andre du Pisani)
Life Experiences
Social and political identification in colonial Namibia between the wars
Germany's War: My experience
Devastation and Restructure
Social and political life in forties and fifties Namibia
Educational and Cultural experiences in Apartheid South Africa: a conflict of interest
Colonial Namibia in the Sixties: white dominance vs. black resistance
Post-graduate studies in Germany: Is Apartheid comparable to Nazism?
Die Burger staffer. What is "verlig" and "verkramp"?
The Rebel
Academic Freedom denied: teaching at Stellenbosch
Political conversion from National
Party member to SWAPO supporter
No solution to independence struggle without SWAPO
In America: fostering Namibia's independence and Vorster's final warning
The absurdity of South Africa's "homeland" policy: turbulent times at the University of Transkei
Choices: into exile or working form the inside?
Mediator and Builder
The Namibian Independence struggle: final phase and consequences
Colonial remnants: the German-speaking community in Namibia
Liberated at last
Namibia's rebirth: structural rebuild
Freedom of choice: post-independence elections
From Academic to Member of Parliament Politics applied
Challenging the past; forging the future
Colonial legacies: The Herero, Nama and "Inziles"
Quo Vadis Namibia?
The Dream of Unity; national and cultural identities in an unequal society
Social and political identification in colonial Namibia between the wars