Title: Short Drive to Freedom
Subtitle: A personal perspective on the Afrikaans rock rebellion
Author: Koos Kombuis
Genre: Autobiography
Publisher: Human & Rousseau
Cape Town, South Africa 2009
ISBN 9780798150989 / ISBN 978-0-7981-5098-9
Softcover, 14 x 22 cm, 256 pages
In his autobiography, Short drive to freedom: A personal perspective on the Afrikaans rock rebellion, singer, song writer and poet Koos Kombuis speaks about topics he experienced first-hand. But speak he must as he states and if he doesn't do it for any other reason, he must do it for this reason: to finally answer the single question he has avoided answering up till now, the single question he has been evading for so long, the question that has been popping up at least once a week for years now. It is the question asked him by still alive friends, by journalists, by people on Facebook and others: Was Voelvry and all that stuff really worth it? What do you think of Afrikaans music? Tell us more about the Alternative Movement in South Africa. Koos Kombuis answers with raw honesty and humour about his life as a rebel, and his involvement in the Alternative Movement of the 1980s, the Voelvry tour, the people and the events, from Piekniek by Dingaan to Oppikoppi and beyond. And his years in the wilderness of drug abuse and rock music. Witty, touching, horrific, provocative.