Title: Timeless Karoo
Subtitle: Discover the Sunlit Interior
Author: Jonathan Deal
Struik Publishers
Cape Town, 2007
ISBN 9781770072848
Hardcover, 24x28 cm, 20 pages, throughout colour photos
This vast and unique region, at once awe-inspiring and secretive, will draw you close into its protective mantle; too close for casual inspection by the hurried traveller. The Karoo will share its secrets with you only if you’re prepared to sit quietly to learn its mysteries over a plate of bobotie, a glass of witblits, and a copy of Timeless Karoo. This beautifully illustrated and well-written book encompasses a vast area: the geographical expanse from Niewoudtville in the northwest, eastwards to Hopetown, south to Steytlerville and west to Montagu. Within this region you will encounter six Karoos: the Central, Hantam, Great, Klein, Tankwa and Northern & Upper Karoo, each with its own stockpile of natural and human history, its own complex tapestry and prehistoric rhythms. Each journey into the Karoo yields a fresh view, a different angle and an urge to cut loose, swing off the tar, and pursue an uncharted dirt road into an unknown horizon. Jonathan Deal is a travel photographer and writer who specialises in 'off the beaten track' type features, particularly for off-road and motoring press. His enchantment with the Karoo began in 2002 when he and his wife bought their own piece of land between Touws River and Montagu, where he is attempting to become a local in anticipation of retiring there.