Namibia: The Sacred Trust of Civilization - Ideal and Reality, Volume 2

In Volume 2, Bryan O’Linn writes on the ideal and reality of the so-called sacred trust of civilization in Namibia.
O’Linn, Bryan
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Title: Namibia: The Sacred Trust of Civilization - Ideal and Reality, Volume 2
Author: Bryan O’Linn
Pollination Publishers
Namibia; Windhoek, 2010
ISBN 9789994562800
Hardcover, 18x24 cm, 294 pages, several bw-photos


Bryan O’Linn is synonymous with the Namibian legal system. His involvement stretches over several decades, as a law enforcement officer, defence lawyer, chair of several Enquiries and Commissions, and finally as a judge of the High Court and acting judge of the Supreme Court. In this Volume 2, Bryan O’Linn writes on the ideal and reality of the so-called sacred trust of civilization. The following topics are part of this book:

Chapter 1: The first post independence Namibia treason trial and the SWAPO onslaught on the Judicial Power launched immediately afterwards.
Chapter 2:The Caprivi Treason Trial.
Chapter 3: A conciliatory gesture: the appointment of the commission of enquiry into the procedures and practices applied in the allocation and utilisation of the existing fishing industry.
Chapter 4: Crime and punishment: The Judicial Commission of Enquiry.
Chapter 5: "Do you think you are the House of Lords?” – confrontation in the palace of justice.
Chapter 6: Mob rule perpetuated.
Chapter 7: The so-called “Lily White Bench” is targeted by the Prime Minister.
Chapter 8: The campaign in Namibia for the fundamental human rights and the freedoms of homo-sexuals, spearheaded by a Judge of the Appellate division of the Supreme court of SA.
Chapter 9: Intolerance and mob-rule again threatens democracy.
Chapter 10: Is the administration of justice heading for total collapse?
Chapter 11: Zimbabwe: a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.
Chapter 12: "Naught for your comfort” – some wise words from other promiment Namibians and friends of Namibia.
Chapter 13: A few concluding thoughts on remaining burning issues.