Title: Junior Ranger in Afrika
Author: Marie Herment
Publisher: Kambaku Wildlife College
Namibia, 2021
ISBN 9789991698342 / ISBN 978-99916-983-4-2
Softcover, 15 x 21 cm, 160 pages, throughout colour photographs and images
The Publisher, Kambaku Wildlife College, is accredited with the Namibian government for vocational education, especially for field guides, in a two years apprenticeship program. They developed the “Junior Ranger of Africa Book” for young explorers at the age of 9 to 14. It shall give a first insight into the magic of African nature and spark the interest for wildlife. Five chapters inform on African Wildlife in a lively, colourful while scientifically well-founded way. Junior Ranger in Afrika is interactive with quizzes, exciting facts, fun home-works and many pictures and illustrations: A great companion and preparation for an adventure in Africa but also a joyful and informative read at home.
Where do we go?
What are we looking for?
Where to find animals?
Biomes, Ecosystems, what is it?
The different Biomes and where we find them
The savanna Biome
Protecting wildlife
Who lives here?
All the animals of Africa
All the plants in Africa
Who eats what?
Steack or salad for the mammals?
Same menu for the birds?
What about the others?
How to get food?
How to survive?
First rule: don't be eaten!
Second rule: chose your friends
Third rule: know your enemies
A ranger's life
Always have the good material!
Get to know your environment
Learn the animal's behavior