Dinteria Nr. 9

Beiträge zur Flora und Vegetation von Südwestafrika
Giess, Willy
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€9.50 *

Herausgeber: Wilhelm Giess
Verlag: S.W.A. Wissenschaftl.Gesellschaft
Windhoek, 1973
Broschur, 17x24 cm, 36 Seiten, 2 Karte, 8 Abbildungen


- Hester Coetzee, H. P. van der Schijff en E. Steyn: External morphology of the South African Velloziaceae including a key based on external rnorphological characteristics; Uitwendige morfologie van die spesies van Velloziaceae in Suid-Afrika en n sieutel gebaseer op uitwendige morfologiese kenmerke

- J. J. A. van der Walt: A new species of Commiphora from the Kaokoveld (South West Africa)

- Miss A.H.Smith: Letter to the Editor

From "External morphology of the South African Velloziaceae including a key based on external rnorphological characteristics":

According to Hutchinson (1960) the Velloziaceae is distributed in Brazil, Southem and East Africa and Arabia. Smith (1971, personal communication) maintains that the family consists of five genera, three of which are found in South America, e.g. Vellozia Vand., Ba/rbacenia Vand. and Barbaceniopsis L. B. Smith. Xerophyta Jussieu is represented in Africa and Madagascar only, while the monotypic speoies Talbotia elegans Balf. is found in South Africa only. According to Huber (1969) South America is the centre of development of the family.

Sölch (1969) put the South African species in the taxon Xerophyta Jussieu and although Smith (1962) has initially regarded this genus äs a synonym of Vellozia Vand., he now acknowledges Xerophyta Jussieu äs a separate genus.
Perrier (1946) was the first author who clearly circumscribed the various genera. He acknowledged Xerophyta äs a separate genus with three species in Madagascar. According to him the flowers of all the representatives of the genus have a short perianth tube upon and at the base of which six stamens are inserted. The lower parts of the stamens are united by means of a membrane. The anthers have auricies but are without linear appendages. The style is undivided and its upper half at least is covered by stigmatoid bands. All the Velloziaceae of Soufh Africa and South West Africa, except TaTbotia elegans, have these characteristics.

According to information revealed by this investigation, Xerophyta equisetoides and X. wentzeliana are regarded äs varieties of X. retinervis. The Velloziaceae of South Africa and South West Africa is thus represented by seven species and two varieties, e.g. [...]