Art in Namibia

This guide is the only of it's kind to the art and artists of Namibia.
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Title: Art in Namibia
Author: Adelheid Lilienthal
Editor: National Art Gallery of Namibia
Windhoek, Namibia 1997
ISBN 9991630732
Softcover, 21 x 22 cm, 242 pages, many colour photos

Description: Art in Namibia

The art landscape of Namibia is unique. It is a mosaic of patterns: old and new as well as simple and complex. We have 'story telling' rock paintings that are thousands of years old and which have been cunningly preserved by nature. Our traditional creators still use techniques carried through the ages to shape craft utilities - baskets, pots, knives, and dozens of other utensils.In many rural communities the skills of making jewellery, clothing, art works and other adornments still survive until the present day. In many cases these accoutrements tell the initiated about the wearer's social, economic and political standing in a community. With the blend of the traditional and the modern, any visitor walking down Windhoek's Independence Avenue will be amazed by the richness of culture. Despite all this, we still experience a lack of representative anthologies and printed materials on Namibian art. Many works have already appeared, but have so far proved inadequate. It is our wish that the National Art Gallery will, through this publication, fill this vacuum.

Content: Art in Namibia

Foreword: Spanish Ambassador to Namibia
Foreword: André Strauss, President of the National Art Gallery of Namibia
Preface: Annaleen Eins, Curator, National Art Gallery of Namibia
Author's Note
Ancient Rock Art in Namibia
Landscape and Wildlife Artists
New Trends

The Standard Bank Namibia Biennale
The Tulipamwe International Artists Workshop
The John Muafangejo Art Centre
Traditional Transitions
Contemporary Artists

A. Artists represented in the Permanent Collection of the National Art Gallery of Namibia and the Government Collection
B. Museums in Namibia
C. A History of the Namibian Arts Association and the National Art Gallery of Namibia, Funding partners and sponsors, teachers and mentors, Teaching Centres in Namibia