Editor: B. J. Strohbach
Series: Dinteria; Number 29, February 2004
Publisher: Namibia Scientific Society
National Botanical Research Institute
Windhoek, Namibia 2004
ISBN: 99916-40-52-5
Softcover, 15x21 cm, 112 pages, bw-illustrated
Hydnora triceps is a rare parasitic angiosperm growing on the roots of Euphorbia dregeana. It is a poorly collected and studied species due to its furtive nature and problems with the preservation of dried material. It was thought to occur only in a small area in the northwestern Cape region. This paper reports on the discovery of H. triceps near Rosh Pinnah in southern Namibia, with some notes on its floral biology.
Erika Maass & Lytton John Musselann:
Hydnora triceps (Hydnoraceae) - First Record in Namibia and first description of fruits
P.L. Cunningham, D.F. Joubert & W. Adank:
Dodonaea angustifolia - an alien invasive to the Auas Mountains in Namibia?
P.L. Cunningham, W. Adank & A. Esterhuizen:
Notes on some aspects of the ecology of Kirkia dewinteri Merxm. & Heine (Kaoko Syringa) from the Kunene Region, Namibia
F.P. Graz:
Description and Ecology of Pterocarpus angolensis in Namibia
F.P. Graz:
Application of a Total Station in savanna vegetation surveys
B.J. Strohbach & M.M. Strohbach:
An annotated plant species list for Mile 46 LDC and surrounding area in central Kavango, Namibia, with some notes on species diversity
Antje Burke & Coleen Mannheimer:
Plant species of the Sperrgebiet (Diamond Area 1)
Author's Guidelines