Animals of the Pilanesberg: An Identification Guide

The aim of this identification guide is introduce this rich diversity of the animals of the Pilanesberg.
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Book title: Animals of the Pilanesberg: An Identification Guide
Authors: Burger Cillié; Ulrich Oberprieler; Christo Joubert
Publisher: Jonathan Ball
Cape Town, South Africa 2004
ISBN 9780620313155
Softcover, 15x21 cm, 132 pages, throughout colour photos, 1 map


The Pilanesberg supports a rich diversity of life. N only is the "Big Five" found here, but thousands other animals, plants and insects occur; each one significant part of this important ecosystem. Due to topography and wide variety of vegetatit communities, the Pilanesberg forms a mosaic diverse habitats, which is the main reason for its spectacular array of animal life.

The aim of this identification guide is introduce this rich diversity to tourist and visitor of the Pilanesberg. It covers, in succinct text and full colo photographs, 230 bird species, 72 mammal speck and 21 reptiles and amphibians commonly found the Park, depicting males and females or other colour variations.

It is the most comprehensive guide to animals of the Pilanesberg and is an essential con panion to get the most out of a visit to the area. It displays an user-friendly layout, succinct text to facilitate identification, symbols depicting basic information on each species and the amimal names in English, Afrikaans and Tswana.

Content: Animals of the Pilanesberg. An Identification Guide

Background of Pilanesberg
Animal groups & explanation of symbols
An introduction to the mammal groups
Mammal species
An introduction to the bird groups
Index of Tswana bird names
Bird species
An introduction to the reptile and amphibian groups
Reptile and amphibian species
Acknowledgements and bibliography
Abbreviated index
Map of Pilanesberg

Recommendations for Animals of the Pilanesberg: An Identification Guide