Title: Scenic Kwazulu-Natal
Author: Roger de la Harpe; Pat de la Harpe
Genre: Illustrated book
Imprint: Sunbird Publishers
Publisher: Jonathan Ball Publishers
Johannesburg, South Africa 2006
ISBN 1919938419 / ISBN 1-919938-41-9
ISBN 9781919938417 / ISBN 978-1-919938-41-7
Hardcover, dustjacket, 29 x 22 cm, 112 pages, throughout colour photos
The province of KwaZulu-Natal remains South Africa's most diverse and arguably most spectacular region, ranging as it does from sweeping coastal stretches, through rolling grassy hills that extend across the Midlands to glorious mountain peaks that tower high above what was once the seat of the mighty Zulu empire headed by the indomitable Shaka, one of Africa's great warriors and statesmen. This is a land of extraordinary beauty, of great contrast, and a diverse and hospitable people, many of whose ancestors survived great hardship, arriving from India and the East as labourers or slaves, battling Boer and Brit for land, or struggling through the grim years of oppression to give the province a unique flavour. The result is a heady mix of Europe, the East and rural Africa that ranges from church to temple, mosque to farmstead. Today, this great variety of cultural influence is echoed in an equally varied landscape of architecture, art, song, dance and dress, which together have come to define the remarkable people and places of KwaZulu-Natal.