Title: Namibia. Minerals and Localities II
Authors: Karl-Ludwig (Ludi) von Bezing, Rainer Bode, Steffen Jahn
Genre: Mineralogy, Mineral Guide
Series: Editon Krüger Stiftung
Publisher: Bode Verlag
Haltern Germany 2016
ISBN 9783942588195 / ISBN 978-3-942588-19-5
Hardcover, 25 x 29 cm, 664 pages, 600 pictures, maps and drawings
Already the first volume of Namibia: Minerals and Localities surprised mineral collectors worldwide with its breathtaking pictures of minerals from historical and actual localities in Namibia. The herein presented second part describes all 900 minerals and gemstones ever to be found in this fascinating country in the South of Africa by alphabetic order and refers to their known localities. The over 1500 pictures of outstanding quality and highest aesthetic value make this volume another indispensable and unique compendium about Namibia's mineral treasures, and supports collectors, scientists, and museum curators worldwide, so they can determine and assign their specimens in a far better way. Namibia: Minerals and Localities II was edited in collaboration with
Olaf Medenbach, Ulrike Medenbach, Gerhard Niedermayr, Ernst A. Schnaitmann, Hans Soltau, Nina Soltau and Stefan Hamann. The awesome book project was supported by the Dr. Erich Krüger Foundation.