Namibia: Minerals and Localities II, by Karl-Ludwig (Ludi) von Bezing, Rainer Bode and Steffen Jahn
Namibia: Minerals and Localities II (Authors: Ludi von Bezing, Rainer Bode and Steffen Jahn) on 664 pages shows exclusive and breathtaking specimens and rare minerals from many private collections and important museums. The mineralogical rarities of Namibia are introduced in English with excellent pictures and informative description.
When "Namibia: Minerals and Localities", with 850 pages rather a heavyweight was presented in Windhoek in the fall of 2007, no one dared to believe that it would find such a large and interested number of buyers within a rather short time. The legitimate curiosity of collectors from all over the world about the many henceforth unknown and exceptional mineralogical treasures led therefore quickly to a sell-out of that edition. After further spectacular new finds in Namibia during the following years came to light, a 600 page update of the 2007 book was published in 2014. It contains the first part of the original book: the localities in Namibia. Together with this second volume and its compilation of approximately 900 mineral descriptions in alphabetical order, this compendium about localities and minerals of Namibia will be completed. Once more, it contains magnificent photos of unique specimens sometimes never shown before and crystals from collections from all around the world. We would thank all those private collectors, museums and dealers who are allowed us to photograph their specimens, and we would of course also extend our thanks to the photographers who set the spotlight on these incredible aesthetic specimens and tiny rarities. In comparison to volume 1, every photo will be presented with a tiny logo and the name of the photographer. These are, among others, John Schneider (Louisville, KY, USA), Jeff Scovil (Phoenix, AZ, USA), Matthias Reinhardt (Drolshagen, Germany), Joy Desor (Bad Homburg, Germany) and Matthias Heck (Siegburg, Germany). Namibia: Minerals and Localities II is, like volume 1, published in the "Edition Kruger-Stiftung" with personal financial support by Ms. Dr. Erika Kruger. We are most indebted for this generous support. We would also like to thank all of the following persons who have supported us in the production of this book: Dr. Robert Bowell (Cardiff, Wales) who, together with Helke Nocke of the Geological Survey Namibia, scrutinized many samples from their local inventory and were able to analyze many new mineral types of Namibia; Dr. Marco Ciriotti (Editor of MICRO; Devesi-Cirie, Italy) for the permission to print Aris-photos in this book; Hans and Nina Soltau (Windhoek, Namibia) as well as Heini and Brigitte Soltau (Luderitz, Namibia) for their valuable hints and also Prof. Dr.-lng. Thomas Bollinghaus (Berlin, Germany). In addition, William "B." Pinch (Rochester, NY, USA), Marshall Sussman (Tucson, AZ, USA), Ernst A. Schnaitmann (Windhoek, Namibia), Dr. Reinhardt Bast (Obernburg, Germany), Reinhard Balzer (Marburg, Germany), Andreas Massanek (TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Saxony, Germany), Alexander Klein (Stuttgart, Germany) and Johann Zenz (Gloggnitz Austria) for their help. Of course, our thanks is also extended to the advertisers who have helped to bring down the price of this abundant oeuvre to a customer-friendly level. We would like to give one last hint for using this book and its index: we have almost always only used the names of the minerals and their varieties. We have found it not practicable to also add the location of the find spot because it is not very helpful to add 200 page-references after very mineral-rich find spots such as "Tsumeb". Now we want to wish all readers a lot of delight with Namibia: Minerals and Localities II, and that it may find new enthusiasts, who will enjoy the breathtaking mineral treasures of Namibia.
This is an excerpt from Namibia: Namibia: Minerals and Localities II, by Karl-Ludwig (Ludi) von Bezing, Rainer Bode and Steffen Jahn.
Title: Namibia. Minerals and Localities II
Authors: Ludi von Bezing, Rainer Bode, Steffen Jahn
Genre: Mineralogy, Mineral Guide
Reihe: Editon Krüger Stiftung
Publisher: Bode Verlag
Haltern Germany 2016
ISBN 9783942588195 / ISBN 978-3-942588-19-5
Hardcover, 25 x 29 cm, 664 pages, 600 pictures, maps and drawings
von Bezing, Karl-Ludwig (Ludi) und Bode, Rainer und Jahn, Steffen im Namibiana-Buchangebot
Namibia: Minerals and Localities II
Namibia: Minerals and Localities II describes all 900 minerals and gemstones ever to be found in Namibia by alphabetic order and refers to their known localities.
Namibia. Zauberwelt edler Steine und Kristalle
Namibia. Zauberwelt edler Steine und Kristalle ist ein praktischer geologischer Ratgeber zum Entdecken, Bestimmen und Sammeln in Namibia.