The Imperial German Colonial Troops & Police in Africa

The Imperial German Colonial Troops and Police in Africa: uniforms, equipment, weapons and organisation.
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Title: The Imperial German Colonial Troops & Police in Africa
Subtitle: Uniforms - Equipment - Weapons - Organisation
Author: Reinhard Schneider
Translation: Chris Dale
Publisher: Pedestrian Press
Toledo (Ohio), United States 2023
ISBN 9780962650611 / ISBN 978-0-9626506-1-1
Hardcover, 30 x 35 cm, 280 pages, 360 colour and b/w images, English text

About: The Imperial German Colonial Troops & Police in Africa

It is mainly thanks to Chris Dale, who saved neither effort nor expense, that an iconic book on the uniforms, equipment, weapons and organisation of the Imperial German Colonial Troops and Police in Africa, has been updated, expanded and translated from German to English. The German original has been out of stock since several years and German author and uniform expert Reinhard Schneider was happy to co-operate and to see a new edition of his book available to English speaking historians, collectors and other interested readers.

Both, with the support of further American and German experts, have enriched this edition with large format illustrations and photographs of special relevance. The team was also fortunate to obtain a magnificent set of 8 photo albums assembled by Hauptmann Ernst Nigmann during his service in German East Africa, many images from which are reproduced here for the first time. Information on uniforms was largely taken from the reminiscences of former Schutztruppe officers, some of which contained passages on the organisation and uniforms of the Schutztruppen.

Regulations from contemporary orders and communications were also consulted. Images within this book come primarily from the Reinhard Schneider and Jeff Nelson. The author has tried to present the Imperial German Colonial Forces as accurately as possible. Combining varying segments of information into one cohesive volume was difficult, and certainly this work makes no claim to completeness. However, the author hopes that overall he has managed to give a detailed picture of the soldiers and police of the German colonies in Africa, South West Africa, East Africa, Cameroon and Togo.

Content: The Imperial German Colonial Troops & Police in Africa

Establishment of the German Colony
The Role of the Schutztruppe
Part I - German South-West Africa (Deutsch-Südwestafrika)

Commanders of the Schutztruppe
Formation of the Schutztruppe
Uniforms of the Schutztruppe
Equipment of the Schutztruppe
Weapons of the Schutztruppe
Organisation of the Schutztruppe in 1914
Formation of the Landespolizei
Uniforms of the Landespolizei
Equipment of the Landespolizei
Weapons of the Landespolizei
African Police Auxiliaries (Polizeidiener)
Organisation of the Landespolizei in 1914
The First World War in German South-West Africa
Schutztruppe Anthem
Part II - German East Africa (Deutsch-Ostafrika)
Commanders of the Schutztruppe
Formation of the Schutztruppe
Uniforms of the Schutztruppe
Equipment of the Schutztruppe
Weapons of the Schutztruppe
Uniforms of the African Troops (Askari)
Equipment of the Askari
Weapons of the Askari
Marching on Campaign (Kriegsmärsche)
Training of the Askari
Organisation of the Schutztruppe in 1914
Uniforms, Equipment and Weapons of the Polizeitruppe
Organisation of the Polizeitruppe in 1914
The First World War in German East Africa
Heia Safari Anthem
Part III - Cameroon (Kamerun)
Commanders of the Schutztruppe
Formation of the Schutztruppe and Polizeitruppe
Uniforms, Equipment and Weapons of the Schutztruppe
Organisation of the Schutztruppe in 1914
Cameroon Polizeitruppe
The First World War in Cameroon
Map of Schutztruppe Garrisons in Cameroon
Cameroon Schutztruppe March
Part IV - Togo
Commissioners and Governors of Togo
Formation of the Polizeitruppe
Uniforms, Equipment and Weapons of the Polizeitruppe
Governor's Decree concerning Polizeitruppe, Local Police, Border Guards, Chieftain Policemen
Organisation of the Polizeitruppe in 1914
The First World War in Togo
Togo Poetry Verses
PartV-Medals, Campaign Clasps, and Recognitions of Service
South-West Africa Medal
South-West Africa Medal Campaign Clasps
Colonial Medal (Kolonialdenkmünze)
Colonial Medal Campaign Clasps
Combatant's Merit Medal (Kriegerverdienstmedaille)
Service Commendations and Commemorative Items
Imperial German Colonial Flag
Map of German Protectorates in Africa
Glossary and Selected Bibliography