Title: Field guide to common trees & shrubs of East Africa
Author: Najma Dharani
Penguin Random House South Africa
Imprint: Struik Nature
3rd edition. Cape Town, South Africa 2019
ISBN 9781775846086 / ISBN 978-1-77584-608-6
Softcover, 15 x 21 cm, 480 pages, throughout colour photos
This third edtion of Field Guide to Common Trees & Shrubs of East Africa introduces to more than 520 of the trees and shrubs to be found in East Africa. The guide's content is devided into the main chapters Trees, Shrubs, Palms and Mangroves. The species accounts within each chapter are, along with their scientific names, arranged in alphabetical order and are consistent in style, each specifying the English and the more prominent African, often local common names where these are known, the family to which the plant belongs, and whether it is indigenous to the region or exotic. This is followed by a brief description of the tree or shrub and then a summary of the main characteristics of the plant's major components, the bark, leaves, flowers, fruit etc., and ends with a description of its various uses. Each entry is illustrated with at least one photograph, often more. Trees and their parts are labelled vertically alongside each image. The glossaries and diagrams will enable non-expert readers to find their way around. Other helpful features include the vegetation map, the family descriptions, and the index.
How the book is arranged
Vegetation zones of East Africa
Trees and traditional medicine
Classification of plants
Key words
Family descriptions
Botanical terms
Medical terms
Further reading