The Siege Of Ladysmith

This volume of the Anglo-Boer War Battle Series introduces to the The Siege Of Ladysmith that lasted from 2 November 1899 until 28 February 1900.
Watt, Steve
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Title: The Siege Of Ladysmith
Subtitle: 2 November 1899-28 February 1900
2 November 1899–28 February 1900
Author: Steve Watt
Series: The Anglo-Boer War Battle Series
Publisher: 30 Degrees South Publishers (Pty) Ltd.
2nd edition. Johannesburg, South Africa 2014
ISBN 9781928211440 / ISBN 978-1-928211-44-0
Softcover, 15 x 21 cm, 48 pages, 25 b/w photos and maps

About: The Siege Of Ladysmith

By the time that the Battle of the Thukela (or Tugela) Heights had commenced on the 12th February 1900, the 114-day Siege of Ladysmith was in its fourth month. General Sir Redvers Buller VC had made four attempts to relieve Gen Sir George White VC and the Ladysmith garrison: at Colenso, on the 15th December 1899, along the iNthabamnyama on the 20th/21 st January 1900, at Spioenkop on 23rd/24th January 1900, and at Vaalkrans between the 5th and 7th February 1900. All three attempts had been unsuccessful, and the British casualties had been high. This war site guide is the 7th volume of The Anglo-Boer War Battle Series published by 30 Degrees South Publishers (Pty) Ltd in it's second edition.

Content: The Siege Of Ladysmith

Ladysmith besieged
Shelling the town into submission?
Playing cat and mouse
Deteriorating conditions
Siege rigours intensify
Ladysmith today
Forces engaged
Additional reading

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