The Prisoner of War Tokens of German South West Africa

The Prisoner of War Tokens of German South West Africa: A description and a historical view.
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Title: The Prisoner of War Tokens of German South West Africa
Subtitle: A description and a historical view
Author: Gordon McGregor
Namibia Scientific Society
Windhoek, Namibia 2003
ISBN 9991640436 / ISBN 99916-40-43-6
Softcover, 15 x 21 cm, 34 pages, English/German text, b/w photos

About: The Prisoner of War Tokens of German South West Africa

At some stage during his years of collecting, Gordon McGregor, an Namibian expert on local and military history, acquired a round brass token with a small Imperial German Eagle and a number stamped on it. Not knowing what it was, the token was relegated to his archive of “unknown" items. While doing research on his earlier publication, "The Native Pass Tokens of German South West Africa", he found a reference about prisoner of war tokens which he fleetingly followed up and then only did he recognise the unknown token as a prisoner of war token. This book introduces to the results of his research on prisoner of war tokens of South West Africa in the following years.