The Jackal and the Hyena: Traditional Tales from Namibia

The Jackal and the Hyena belongs to a children's book series of traditional tales from Namibia.
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Title: The Jackal and the Hyena
Author: Helvi Itenge
Illustrator: Ambrosius Amunyela
Series: Traditional Tales from Namibia
Genre: Children's book
Publisher: Yambeka Children Media
Windhoek, Namibia 2012
ISBN 9789994572892 / ISBN 978-99945-72-89-2
Softcover, 21 x 15 cm, 20 pages, throughout illustrated


Once upon a time there was a jackal and a hyena. They both lived in a big jungle, with many other animals. The jackal and the hyena were friends. One day, the hyena went to see the jackal. 'Jackal, you are my best friend,' said the hyena. 'Here is a very fine goat. It's a present from me to you.' Read how the story goes on.