Report on some Fossil Human Remains from Otjiseva, S.W.A.

The fossil human remains from Otjiseva in South West Africa were found during street repairs in 1964.
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Title: Report on some Fossil Human Remains from Otjiseva, S.W.A.
Author: Wolfgang Sydow
Series: Scientific Research in South West Africa 9tm
Publisher: S.W.A. Scientific Society
Windhoek, South West Africa 1970
Original softcover and dustjacket, 17 x 24 cm, 48 pages, 14 figures, 7 bw-photos, 1 map


Very good. Like new.

About: Report on some Fossil Human Remains from Otjiseva, S.W.A.

The discovery of fossilized bones in South West Africa is a special occurrence and a not very frequent event, especially when human remains are in question. It is therefore quite understandable that the remains of Otjiseva man were at first taken as potsherds by its finder. The "sherds" which had a fairly even thickness of up to 10 mm were covered with a thick yellow-grey crust but showed an almost white fracture revealing bone tissue. The preliminary reconstruction of the more than twenty odd fragments resulted in a well rounded, fairly large cranium. Here and there pieces were missing but the overall size and shape were already clearly recognisable. As South West Africa has no University and no medical school of its own and anthropologists are normally very busy people we were lucky enough to get by mediation of Mr. R. Inskeep, the archaeologist of the University of Cape Town, the kind offer of Prof. L. H. Wells of the Medical School of the above University to help us with our identification problem, after photos 1—3 and sketches (figs. I—III) had been sent down. Unfortunately Prof. Wells shortly afterwards went overseas and it took nearly a year until Dr. Trevor Jones, his assistant, got the opportunity to inspect the excavated bone material.

Contents: Report on some Fossil Human Remains from Otjiseva, S.W.A.

PART A: The Report (figs. I—IV, photos 1—7)
I. Introduction and history of the find
II. The geology of the site
III. The analysis of the sceletal material
IV. The dating of the find
V. Discussion
German Summary
PART B: The Documents
1. Dr. R. Trevor Jones, University of Cape Town, Department of Anatomy
2. E. W. B. Miller, Geologist, Windhoek (with map)
3. Prof. Dr. Henno Martin, Universitat Göttingen, Geologisch-Paläeontologisches Institut
4. Prof. Dr. Henno Martin, Universitat Göttingen, Geologisch-Paläeontologisches Institut
5. Dr. P. Guj, Office of the Geological Survey, Department of Mines, Windhoek
6. Dr. R. Trevor Jones, University of Cape Town, Department of Anatomy (figs. V—XIV, References)
7. Dr. R. Trevor Jones, University of Cape Town, Department of Anatomy
8. Dr. K. P. Oakley, British Museum, Natural History, London
9. J. C. Vogel, National Physical Research Laboratory of the S.A.C.S.I.R., Pretoria
10. B. H. Pendleton, State Museum, Windhoek, S.W.A.
11. Dr. H. Scholz, P.P.S. 13134, Windhoek, S.W.A.

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