Title: Primates
Subtitle: Quick ID guide to Africa's great apes, true monkeys and their relatives
Author: Chris Stuart; Mathilde Stuart
Publisher: Penguin Random House South Africa
Imprint: Struik Nature
Cape Town, South Africa 2022
ISBN 9781775847939 / ISBN 978-1-77-584793-9
Softcover, 10 x 18 cm, 40 pages, throughout colour photographs
Primates Quick ID guide to Africa's great apes, true monkeys and their relatives is a succinct survey of the features and habits of our closest relatives. Divided into the three main primate groups, great apes, typical monkeys and prosimians including the bushbabies, this easy-to-use guide provides pertinent facts, annotated photographs and up-to-date distribution maps to help readers accurately identify the most commonly seen and charismatic primates in the field. Each entry features full-colour photographs with pointers to diagnostic features, size, lifespan, key ID features, behavioural characteristics, diet, conservation status and similar species as well as distribution maps.
Great apes
Western & eastern gorillas
Robust chimpanzee & bonobo
Prosimians - primitive primates
Pottos & angwantibos
Typical monkeys
Drill & mandrill
Barbary macaque
Manga beys
Savanna monkeys
Mountain monkeys
Allen's swamp monkey
Patas monkey
Forest monkeys
Diana & roloway monkeys
Mona monkeys
Lesser spot-nosed & putty-nosed monkeys
Gentle monkey
Moustached monkey
Red-eared monkey
Red-tailed monkey
White-thighed black and white colobus
Guereza colobus
Angola colobus
Eastern red colobuses
Western red colobuses