Chris Stuart

Der Brite Chris Stuart ist Tierforscher und Autor von zahlreichen Säugetier-Führern für das südliche Afrika. Hier mit seiner Ehefrau Tilde Stuart.
Der Brite Chris Stuart ist Tierforscher und Autor von zahlreichen Säugetier-Führern für das südliche Afrika.
Chris Stuart wurde im englischen Yorkshire geboren. Seine Ausbildung erhielt er sowohl in Großbritannien als auch in Südafrika, wo er seinen Master-Abschluß in Zoologie an der University of Natal ablegte. Chris Stuart entschied sich, im Raum Südafrika zu bleiben und arbeitete dort bei einigen Naturschutzbehörden, beispielweise beim Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation, beim Albany Museum und auch bei der Namib Desert Research Station in Namibia. Chris Stuart ist Mitglied der the Cat Specialist Group der International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources und gründete mit seiner Ehefrau, Tilde Stuart, das African Carnivore Research Programme und das African-Arabian Wildlife Research Centre. Mit ihr zusammen schrieb Chris Stuart zahlreiche zoologische Führer für Säuge- und Raubtiere.
Stuart, Chris im Namibiana-Buchangebot
Stuart's Field Guide to National Parks and Game Reserves of East Africa
Stuart's Field Guide to National Parks and Game Reserves of East Africa provides an overview of some 58 protected areas across East Africa.
Stuarts’ Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa
Stuarts’ Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa concentrates on the more visible and easily distinguished larger species.
Stuarts' Field Guide to the Tracks & Signs of Southern, Central and East African Wildlife
Stuarts' Field Guide to the Tracks & Signs of Southern, Central and East African Wildlife, this is the 5th revised edition.
Stuarts' Field Guide to National Parks and Nature Reserves of Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia
Stuarts' Field Guide to National Parks and Nature Reserves of Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia.
Carnivores: Quick ID guide to Africa's predatory mammals
Carnivores: Quick ID guide is a compact and quick ID identification guide to Africa's predatory mammals.
Flying Mammals Quick ID guide to the bats of Africa
Flying Mammals Quick ID is a compact and quick ID identification guide to the bats of Africa.
Avian Architects: Quick ID guide to nests and eggs of southern African birds
Avian Architects: Quick ID is a compact and quick ID identification guide to nests and eggs of southern African birds.
Primates: Quick ID guide to Africa's great apes, true monkeys and their relatives
Primates Quick ID is a compact and quick ID identification guide to Africa's great apes, true monkeys and their relatives.
Skullduggery: Quick ID guide to southern and East African mammal skulls
Skullduggery is a compact and quick ID identification guide to skulls of southern and East African mammals.
My first book of Southern African animal tracks
My first book of Southern African Animal Tracks introduces 55 different types of animals and their footprints.
Stuarts' Field Guide to Mammals of Southern Africa
Stuart's Field Guide to Mammals of Southern Africa covers near to 400 mammal species including Angola, Zambia and Malawi since the 5th edition of 2015.
Behaviour briefs: Quick guide to southern and East African animal behaviour
Why do they do that and what next? Behaviour briefs is a quick guide to southern and East African animal behaviour.
On Track: Quick ID Guide to Southern and East African Animal Tracks
On Track is a quick identification guide to tracks of Southern and East African most commonly found mammals, reptiles, rodents, birds and insects.
A Field Guide to the Tracks & Signs of Southern, Central and East African Wildlife
Latest edition of A Field Guide to the Tracks & Signs of Southern, Central and East African Wildlife.
Stuarts' Field Guide to National Parks and Nature Reserves of South Africa
Stuarts' Field Guide to National Parks and Nature Reserves of South Africa offers a comprehensive overview of 43 parks, reserves and wilderness areas.
Dangerous creatures of Africa
The focus of Dangerous creatures of Africa is on understanding, identifying, avoiding and surviving these potential hazards of the African wilds.
Taschenführer: Säugetiere, Südliches Afrika
Der Taschenführer Säugetiere: Südliches Afrika, legt seinen Schwerpunkt auf die größeren, öfter gesehenen Tierarten, schließt allerdings auch einige ungewöhnliche Arten ein.
Mammals Of East Africa Pocket Guide
Mammals Of East Africa Pocket Guide covers all of the common and some of the less common mammal species.
Mammals of Southern Africa Pocket Guide
Authoritative and colourfully illustrated, Mammals of Southern Africa Pocket Guide offers concise information.
Field Guide to Mammals of Southern Africa
A total of 337 species are covered in this fully revised comprehensive field guide to mammals of Southern Africa.
Traveller's Wildlife Guide Southern Africa
Traveller's Wildlife Guide Southern Africa introduces 500 of Southern Africa’s most common amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa
Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa provides over 400 colour photos, with concise, pertinent information highlighting the diagnostic features of each species.
Ngorongoro Conservation Area
From the series 'Great Game Parks of Africa' this is a portrait of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.
Sasol Roadside Guide. Cape Town-Port Elizabeth: Discovering Nature Along the N2
The Sasol Roadside Guide Cape Town-Port Elizabeth: Discovering Nature Along the N2 interprets the surrounding countryside - plants, birds, mammals, reptiles, agriculture, geology.
A Photographic Guide to Mammals of Southern, Central and East Africa
A Photographic Guide to Mammals of Southern, Central and East Africa introduces 152 mammal species of each family group.
Field Guide to Tracks and Signs of Southern and East African Wildlife
Related to Southern African and East African Wildlife, this great field guide is about their tracks and signs, like droppings, feeding signs, scent marks and others.