Title: Avian Architects
Subtitle: Quick ID guide to nests and eggs of southern African birds
Author: Chris Stuart; Mathilde Stuart
Publisher: Penguin Random House South Africa
Imprint: Struik Nature
Cape Town, South Africa 2021
ISBN 9781775847434 / ISBN 978-1-77-584743-4
Softcover, 10 x 18 cm, 40 pages, throughout colour photographs
Avian Architects: Quick ID guide to nests and eggs of southern African birds is a handy identification guide to the surprising variety of nests built by southern African birds. Covering multiple species, it is arranged according to nest type, ground, woven, stick, cup, mud-pellet and domed, as well as nests in tree holes, on water, on cliffs and in scrapes on the ground. It is packed with photographs and illustrations showing the ingenuity of the designs, the birds that built them, and the eggs that are laid in them. In pithy fashion, the text, matched to the photographs, describes nesting site and nest structure, building materials used to construct outer and inner layers, nesting habits of the architects and clutch size. A simple key to nest types on the inside front cover directs readers to the relevant section in Avian Architects: Quick ID guide to nests and eggs of southern African birds.
Giant tree nests: Domed giants
Large cliff nests: High-rise penthouses
Mud-pellet nests: Castles of clay
Woven nests: Master weavers
Cup nests: The classic cup
Purses and other shapes: A mixed bag
Holes in earth banks: The ground-borers
Nests on water: Houseboats and mud cones
Excavated tree holes: The drilling brigade
Natural tree holes: Prefabs
Robust tree nests: Bowls and platforms
Flimsy stick nests: Ramshackle homes
Lined ground nests: The minimalists
Bare ground nests: The Spartans