Are you a person or a ghost? A Personal Story about a Namibian Freedom Fighter

Memoires from Namibia's Liberation. Struggle and independence: Are you a person or a ghost? A Personal Story about a Namibian Freedom Fighter.
Niikondo, Andrew
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Title: Are you a person or a ghost?
Subtitle: A Personal Story about a Namibian Freedom Fighter
Author: Andrew Niikondo
Genre: Namibian Memoires
Publisher: Kuiseb Publishers
Windhoek, Namibia 2018
ISBN 9789994576593 / ISBN 978-99945-76-59-3
Softcover, 15 x 21 cm, 240 pages

About: Are you a person or a ghost? A Personal Story about a Namibian Freedom Fighter

Are you a person or a ghost? A Personal Story about a Namibian Freedom Fighter is a true record of events that have taken place in my life, which I hope, will resonate with the experiences of others around the world. I grew up in an idyllic rural environment only to lose my innocence after my secondary school when events catapulted me to become a PLAN fighter. The liberation struggle was waged on three important fronts, namely, political, diplomatic and armed fronts. Many fortunate people, especially the youth, who joined the struggle in exile, were sent to school abroad for studies in various fields.

Others underwent military training including short and medium term military training courses in Africa and abroad. Moreover, others received full military training which took longer periods. Unfortunately, I was not given the opportunity and thus I spent, without any relief, ten effective years of my life at the battlefront. This did not stunt my intellectual abilities, but strengthened my perseverance to endure new challenges in life. My baptism of fire has taught me resilience, endurance and indeed perseverance which are all critical traits in the academy and in the journey of a scholar.

Andrew Niikondo was born on 15 January 1962 at Onantsi Village near Ondangwa in the Oshana region. His formal education terminated with Standard 7 (Grade 9). He joined the People’s Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN) at the age of 17. He re-started school after Namibia's independence, eventually obtained a PhD in Public Administration from the University of Namibia in 2008. Andrew Niikondo wrote 'Are you a person or a ghost? A Personal Story about a Namibian Freedom Fighter' to recall the hardships experienced by the Namibian freedom fighters and to illustrate that the life of a person is a journey with ups and downs.

Content: Are you a person or a ghost? A Personal Story about a Namibian Freedom Fighter

I. The Family Tree
II. Early Childhood

From Year One to Boyhood
First Days at School
Mischief at School
First Political Experience
Cattle Rearing
An Unplanned Trip to Onamukulo
From Ongwediva and Oshakati to Oluno Secondary School
The Impact of Martti Ahtisaari/Youthful Rebelliousness
III. From Oluno Secondary School to Lubango
Funeral Service at Oniipa
Meeting the Guerrillas
The Long Walk into Angola
N'djiva to Lubango
Military Training - Tobias Hainyeko Training Centre (THTC)
Jumbo Training Centre
New Site of First Mechanised Infantry Brigade (FMIB) of SWAPO
IV: A Joint Operation with FAPLA
From Lubango to Malanje
The Battle of Calulo
Visit to the Namibia Health and Education Centre (NHEC)
My First Girlfriend
Mission to N'Dalatando
God is great
Between the Lion and the Enemy
Visit at our Firing Position in Calulo by President Sam Nujoma
Herman Ya Toivo was Brought to Us
My Death was Postponed
The Sweetest Battle at Lussusso
The Battle of Quito Cuanavale and Peace Negotiations
Accelerated Diplomatic Solution
1 April 1989
V. Demobilisation
The Mobilisation Workshop and Demobilisation Process
Life in Luanda and Religious Confirmation
President Sam Nujoma's return to Namibia
The Elections of 1989 and How We Perceived It
VI. Return Home
A Short Visit to Namibia
A Surprise Arrival at Home
Back to Luanda
Our Last Trench in Lubango 1990-1991
VII. In the Namibian Defence Force
Life in the Namibian Defence Force
In the Combat Support Brigade -o
VIII. From Military to Academic Life
Resumed Schooling
Synopsis of Academic Life
IX: Family
Glossary of Military Terms