Title: New Notes on Kaoko
Editors: Giorgio Miescher; Dag Henrichsen
Basler Afrika Bibliographien
Basel, 2000
ISBN 3905141744 / ISBN 3-905141-74-4
Softcover, 17 x 24 cm, 310 pages, 80 photographs, drawings, maps
New Notes on Kaoko is a reader on the historical and current developments in Kaoko, the northern part of the Kunene Region in north-western Namibia. It assembles texts and photographs from teachers, journalists, academics and community activists living both within and outside of Kaoko. The authors present histories of the region and its main town, Opuwo, and analyse past ethnographies. They reflect on living and working in Kaoko, night life in Opuwo, NGOs and tourism in the region and Otjiherero poetry and prose. Current politics such as the Epupa debate are addressed as are the roles of the media and the new elites in Kaoko. New Notes on Kaoko questions the myth of Kaoko, an image of the region as isolated and exotic. It analyses the myth not only through written texts, but also through an examination of photographs. New notes on Kaoko offers a different selection of photographs ranging from early colonial images to internationally marketed photography to informal local snap-shots.
The History of Opuwo,
by Manasse Hihanguapo
How Opuwo got its Name,
by Manasse Hihanguapo
Popular Pictorial Constructions of Kaoko in the 20th Century,
by Giorgio Miescher & Lorena Rizzo
Camera Africa: Indirect Rule and Landscape Photographs of Kaoko, 1943,
by Patricia Hayes
Bazaars Liven Up Sleepy Opuwo,
by Weich Mupya
Nightlife in Opuwo: Take it Easy,
by Weich Mupya
‘There are some doors where the youth can enter the new era: The Okatjetje Development Poultry Project,
by Magic Uripoye Mburura
NGOs and the Communities of Kunene,
by Tjakazapi Mbunguha
The Ongoing Development in Opuwo and the Kaoko Area,
by Heinz H. Maundu
Roads, Communication, Education: for whom, by whom?,
by Hans Hvidsten
Orature in Kaoko: Poetry and Prose of Ovaherero and Ovahimba,
by Jekura U. Kavari
Constructing Himba: The Tourist Gaze,
by Bennett Kangumu
Ethnic Tourism in Kaoko: Expectations, Frustrations and Trend in a Post-Colonial Business,
by Eberhard Rothfuss
Pilgrimages into Kaoko Herrensafaris, 4x4s and Settler Illusions,
by Dag Henrichsen
N. J. van Warmelo: Anthropology and the Making of a Reserve,
by Lorena Rizzo
Political Parties and the Elite in Kaoko,
by Weich Mupya
Media in Kaoko,
by Weich Mupya
Mapping the Epupa Debate: Discourse and Representation in a Namibian Development Project,
by John T. Friedman
by Giorgio Miescher & Dag Henrichsen
The Authors