Title: Naturally nourishing Namibia
Genre: Cookbook
Authors: Beverly Handuukeme; Samantha du Toit; Ila Nawa
Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH; Farming for Resilience (F4R)
Windhoek, Namibia 2022
ISBN 9789994553600 / ISBN 978-99945-53-60-0
Hardcover, 22 x 30 cm, 98 pages, throughout colour photographs
This cookbook of Namibian origin will serve you as an easy guide on how to diversify your diet by using locally available ingredients and cooking equipment. It encourages the use of indigenous foods, and represents the diversity of Namibia's cuisines, cultures and lifestyles. Naturally nourishing Namibia contains 50 delicious recipes, based on fruit, vegetables, fish, mopane worms, chicken, meat, legumes, whole grain, plus 10 healthy drinks. Focusing on ingredients used in indigenous and traditional recipes, the meals featured in this book are highly nutritious and do not require any industrial processing, which can alter flavours and reduce quality. On top of that, all the dishes can be prepared with the most basic cooking equipment. The health benefits of each dish are briefly outlined as part of the recipe. The authors hope that this cookbook will encourage Namibians to learn more about healthy eating, inform you about the benefits of consuming different foods.
Meals based on FRUITS and VEGETABLES
Vegetable and Cowpea Curry
Butter Bean and Fruit Dish
Easy Salsa
Roasted Pepper and Tomato Stew
Green Vegetable Soup with Spinach
Roasted Vegetables
Spicy Shakshuka Breakfast
Vegetable Paella
Sweet Potato Peanut Stew
Loaded Sweet Potato
Butternut and Cowpea Salad
Meals based on FISH
Pilchard and Tuna Fishcakes
Sardine and Tomato Omelette
Fish and Bean Stew
Pilchard Shakshuka
Fisherman's Pie
One-Pan Mackerel Bake
Catfish Salad
Hake and Vegetable Foil Parcels
Mopane Worm and Butternut Casserole
Chicken Mac and Cheese
Boerewors and Chickpea Stew with Herb Dumplings
Meals based on LEGUMES
Lentil Sandwich Filling
Lentil and Veggie Burger
Spicy Cowpea Fritters
Meals based on WHOLE GRAINS
High Protein Mix
Corn and Barley Salad
Granola with Oshikandela
Creamy Oats
Seed and Oat Muffins
Mahangu Bread
Corn and Bean Chowder
Sweetcorn Bread
Recipes from the HEART OF NAMIBIA
Beef Tripe with Wholewheat Dombolo Bread
Mahangu Rotis with Oshingali Puree
Lentil and Potato Curry with Naan Bread
Vegetable and Bean Stew with Brown Rice
Oshigali Falafel with Peanut Butter Sauce
Creamy Truffles with Spaghetti
Zambezi Bream with Water Lilies (Inkumo) and Couscous
Silver Fish with Cassava Porridge
Mutton Potjie Kos with White Corn Pap
Dried Meat (Oodhingu) with Samp and Gem Squash
Catfish and Okra with Ekundu and Mahangu
Baobab Fruit Yoghurt
Marathon Chicken with Vegetables
Fish Tacos with Salsa
Evanda Vegetable Mix with Mashed Sweet Potatoes
Spicy Cowpea
Stuffed and Marinated Chicken Roulade
Additional information: Food Groups, Meal Planning, Food Hygiene