Guide to Night Skies of Southern Africa

This enlarged, new-format edition of Guide to Night Skies of Southern Africa has been thoroughly revised and updated to incorporate the latest findings and advances in the science of astronomy.
Mack, Peter
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Book title: Guide to Night Skies of Southern Africa
Author: Peter Mack
Type: Star and Planet Guide
Imprint: Nature
Publisher: Random House Struik
Cape Town, South Africa 2012
ISBN 9781770078598 / ISBN 978-1-77007-859-8
Softcover, 15 x 21 cm, 112 pages, throughout colour photos and illustrations

Description: Guide to Night Skies of Southern Africa

Star-watching enthusiasts as well as more seasoned astronomers will welcome this update of the popular Guide to Night Skies of Southern Africa, which provides an accessible, illustrated introduction to our solar system, the Milky Way galaxy and the expanding universe. Fully revised and updated, and illuminated by colourful images, charts and diagrams, it also provides guidance on the equipment needed for star watching and helpful information about the night skies as observed from the southern hemisphere. In addition, a set of star charts, designed for use in southern Africa, allows for the easy identification of nebulae, galaxies and star clusters in popular areas of the sky throughout the year. Features of the book are a clear text written for the non-specialist sky-watcher, many new photographs and explanatory diagrams, a new set of star maps designed for use from southern Africa, allowing for the easy identification of more than 5000 stars and latest information about the planets, Milky Way, nebulae, galaxies, star clusters, etc.