Title: Fynbos
Series: Pocket Guide
Author: John Manning
Publisher: Penguin Random House South Africa
Imprint: Struik Nature
Cape Town, South Africa 2020
ISBN 9781775846956 / ISBN 978-1-77-584695-6
Softcover, 11 x 18 cm, 176 pages, numerous colour photos and maps
Fynbos is virtually synonymous with the flora at the the southern tip of Africa. This crescent of vegetation was long famous among botanists as the smallest of six floral kingdoms of the world, but is now considered to be an integral, albeit distinctive, part of the Old World Tropical Floral Kingdom. Whatever its rank, it is home to one of the world's richest floras. Crowded within an area of a little under 91,000km2 are some 9,250 species of flowering plants, two-thirds of which are found nowhere else on Earth. It is small wonder that Conservation International has identified the Cape Floristic Region as one of the 52 biodiversity hotspots on Earth.
This pocket guide to Fynbos features over 300 of the most spectacular and commonly seen species from South Africa’s renowned floral kingdom, all in one handy, easy-to-use guide. The species are presented in detail, with each entry featuring succinct descriptions of the plant and its habitat, comparisons with similar species and flowering times, full-colour photographs and distribution maps. Furthermore the guide offers a floral key, using symbols to denote main identifying features. For ease of use, the species are divided into 10 distinct s based on the form of the plants and/or the shape of their flowers.
How to use this book
Species description
Grass-like plants
Bulbs and orchids
Aloe-like plants
Pea-like flowers
Daisies, proteas and clustered flowers
Heath-tike shrubs
Broad-leaved shrubs
Herbaceous plants
Glossary of terms