First Drafts: South African History in the Making

First Drafts: South African History in the Making takes the reader on a journey through the tumultuous years of the past decade.
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Title: First Drafts: South African History in the Making
Author: Allister Sparks
Type: History, Current Affairs
Publisher: Jonathan Ball Publishers
Johannesburg, South Africa 2008
ISBN 9781868423460 / ISBN 978-1-86842-346-0
Softcover, 21x25 cm, 300 pages


No journalist has covered South Africa with the same insight and depth as Allister Sparks. For many years his reporting and opinion pieces have been eagerly sort out by decision makers, analysts and the public at large. First Drafts: South African History in the Making, a scintillating collection of Sparks’ writing, takes the reader on a journey through the tumultuous years of the past decade. In his inimitable style, Sparks writes on subjects that cut across the landscape both local and international.

He tackles the failed Mbeki presidency, tracking the never-ending Zimbabwe crisis and the HIV-Aids debacle. Sparks follows the extraordinary rise to power of President Jacob Zuma and a new political elite. He comments on the Arms Deal that won’t go away, the scourge of crime, the crisis in the judiciary, and a host of problems that bedevil South Africa. He also examines a number of foreign issues, particularly those that have a bearing on South Africa.