Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa

Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa describes and illustrates more than 1000 species, focusing on the most common and those most likely to be encountered.
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Title: Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa
Authors: Braam van Wyk; Piet van Wyk
Publisher: Struik Nature (Random House Struik)
2nd revised edition. Cape Town, South Africa 2013
ISBN 9781770079113 / ISBN 978-1-77007-911-3
Softcover, 15 x 21 cm, 732 pages, throughout colour photos

About: Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa

Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa has established itself as one of the most popular books for the identification of trees native to the subcontinent. This success can be attributed to, among other things, its easily understood group recognition approach. The species are arranged in groups based on leaf and stem features, each group supported by an icon depicting its principal characters. Paradoxically, the success of the book is partly due to its being incomplete; only the species most likely to be encountered are covered. A complete guide would be much more cumbersome to use because of about 2100 native tree species, many of which are rarely, if ever, seen by the average tree enthusiast.

It has been 15 years since publication of the first edition of Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa. The enormous expansion of biological knowledge during this period has also influenced the classification of trees. This second edition brings the names of trees and the families to which they belong in line with modern views. The distribution maps have been updated and photographs added to illustrate certain features better. It was also an opportunity to include a few additional species. Many users have asked for more photographs of actual trees. Hence we have added an appendix with photographs of trees of a large number of species.

Content: Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa

Preface to the second edition
Preface to the first edition
Map: Biomes and vegetation types
Map: Regions and centres of plant diversity and endemism
Identifying trees
How to use this book
Guide to the species accounts
Keys to the groups
Family descriptions
Species accounts
Appendix: Photographs of full trees
Glossary of terms
Bibliography and contact addresses
Acknowledgements to the second edition
Acknowledgements to the first edition
Photographic credits
Quick guide to the groups
Inside back cover