Essential illustrated guide to Southern African Wildlife

In this essential illustrated guide more than 600 species of Southern African Wildlife are described and illustrated.
Bristow, David; Bosman, Pete
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Title: Essential illustrated guide to Southern African Wildlife
Author: David Bristow
Illustrations: Pete Bosman
Publisher: Sunbird Publishers
3rd edition. Cape Town, South Africa 2010
ISBN 9781920289065 / ISBN 978-1-92028-906-5
Softcover, 17 x 25 cm, 368 pages, throughout colour illustrations


All creatures great and small, together in one informationpacked guide: This completetely revised and easy-to-use Sunbird essential illustrated guide to Southern African wildlife features detailed descriptions and clear colour illustrations of more than 600 of the most common southern African wildlife species that you are likely to encounter. Along with a distribution map, each description includes the scientific as well as common name, size, colour, habitat, similar species, and status of the species, as well as African names (Afrikaans, Sotho, Tsonga, Shangaan, Xhosa and Zulu) where appropriate. This edition also includes new information on: How to understand animal behaviour; how to photograph wildlife; creatures that are dangerous to humans. Groups of animals featured include: Mammals; birds; reptiles; fishes; amphibians; insects; other invertebrates. The Sunbird essential illustrated guide to Southern African wildlife is a field guide that every household in the region should have.