Title: Duwisib
Subtitle: A German castle in Namibia and its master Hansheinrich von Wolf
Author: Harald N. Nestroy
Genre: Local history; biography
Publisher: Namibia Scientific Society
Windhoek, Namibia 2002
ISBN 9991640304 / ISBN 99916-40-30-4
Softcover, 15 x 21 cm, 104 pages, 6 bw-, 25 colour photos
Duwisib Castle, one of the most spectacular historical structures in Namibia, and its builder, the fascinating Dresden-born Captain in the Imperial Colonial Forces in German South West Africa, Hansheinrich von Wolf, have both until today been the stuff of legends in Namibia. The author delivers a detailed and most interesting account on the local history of the farm and building Duwisb and the fascinating biographies of the owners Hansheinrich and and his American wife Jayta von Wolf.
Duwisib Castle's location, landscape and name
The Castle's exterior
The Castle's interior rooms
The Castle's furnishing and fittings
The Castle's outbuildings
Hansheinrich von Wolf before he became Master of the Castle
Von Wolfs attempts to become a "land baron" in German South West
Adventurous beginnings at Duwisib
Commissioning the Castle, life at Duwisib and a few tales about Hansheinrich von Wolf
Livestock production at farm Duwisib
Diamond fever in German South West Africa
Financial woes
Public offices held by Hansheinrich von Wolf
The Catholic mission station at Duwisib
A roundabout return to Germany, and von Wolfs death
The controversy surrounding Hansheinrich von Wolfs character, and the reasons for his return to Africa
Jayta von Wolf as widow
The story of the farm and Castle Duwisib from 1915 till now
Curriculum vitae of Hansheinrich von Wolf
Family tree and crest of Hansheinrich von Wolf
List of references