Title: Common Wild Flowers of Table Mountain & Silvermine
Authors: Hugh Clarke; Bruce Mackenzie, Corinne Merry
Publisher: Randomhouse Struik
Imprint: Struik Nature
2nd edition. Cape Town, South Africa 2013
ISBN 9781775840398 / 978-1-77584-039-8
Softcover, 15x21 cm, 119 pages, throughout colour photos, 2 maps
Common Wild Flowers of Table Mountain & Silvermine is aimed at readers who want to know more about the flowers they are likely to see along the many paths that crisscross the slopes of Table Mountain and Silvermine. The sheer diversity of plants is sometimes overwhelming. In the summer months the profusion of wild flowers is a joy to behold, made even better if you know what you are looking at. Any flower novice who hikes regularly will soon realise that some flowers are seen again and again. It is these common flowers that are shown in this book. This book has as its roots a forerunner, Common Wild Flowers of Table Mountain (Struik 2007), a photographic field guide to flowers that are commonly seen. It was well received. Some readers suggested that we should put in even more flowers.
This revised, updated and enlarged edition now contains 258 flowers, 60 more than the previous edition, as well as maps of both Table Mountain and Silvermine. 'Flower watchers' have a wide range of hiking trails to choose from and the most popular ones are briefly described in this book. The advantage of exploring the various footpaths is that the more areas you visit with differing habitats, the broader variety of flowers you will see. Every hike is a voyage of discovery. Please do not pick the flowers; take photographs only. The area is a World Heritage Site. Our hope is that this guide will encourage you to explore the mountains, enjoy the magnificent scenery and identify for yourself the many beautiful flowers to be found there. If this book helps you achieve this aim, it has served its purpose.