Charles John Anderson: Trade and Politics in Central Namibia 1860-1864

A key record in the documentation of trade and politics in Central Namibia 1860-1864 and the life of Charles John Anderson.
Lau, Brigitte
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Title: Charles John Anderson: Trade and Politics in Central Namibia 1860-1864
Subtitle: Diaries and correspondence of Charles John Andersson, Vol. 2
Editor: Brigitte Lau
Series: Archeia, Nr. 10
Publisher: National Archives SWA/Namibia
Windhoek, Namibia 1989
no ISBN recorded
Original softcover, 15x21 cm, 338 pages, 56 bw-photos and illustrations, 1 map


Good. Few traces of usage.

Description: Charles John Anderson: Trade and Politics in Central Namibia 1860-18

The present book makes available a key record in the documentation of a period of four crucial years in the history of central Namibia, 1860-1864. This period saw a peak in the Cape cattle trade, the outbreak of lungsickness and smallpox epidemics (one destroying cattle, the other people), decisive challenges to Jonker Afrikaner's empire and, concomitantly, profound changes in the balance of power in southern and central Namibia. It also saw a considerable expansion of the European presence and the scope of their action: Andersson himself became an organiser and leader of war against the Oorlam Afrikaners and their allies, supported by the Rhenish missionaries and an army of almost 3.000 Herero warriors under Maharero and Zeraua.

His record traces this merging of interests in the most fascinating and, as far as standard historiography Is concerned, largely unrecognised way. This edition also for the first time makes available a set of documents written by the leaders of Namaland: copies of diplomatic correspondence captured as booty and today part of the Andersson Papers. These records, coming as they do from those Andersson and the Herero under Maharero had set about to challenge, complement and question the views expressed by him and his fellow Europeans; they also, importantly, indicate some of the political divisions preventing united action by Nama leaders.

Content: Charles John Anderson. Trade and Politics in Central Namibia 1860-1864

List of illustrations
List of abbreviations
Andersson's Diary, 1860-1864
Andersson's Correspondence, 1864

Account of the battle on 22 June 1864 by F. Green
31 letters captured from Nama leaders during the battte on 22 June 1864
Oath of Allegiance sworn to Andersson as comander of the battte of 22 June 1864
Song of the Otjimbi'ngwe Volunteer Artniery
Extract from Green's Journal of 1858/1859
List of maps
General Reference Map, 1800-1870
Locality Map 1: Andersson's route from Otjimb1ngwe to the Orange Ri'ver, 1862
Merensky's Map of Southern Africa, 1884 (extract)
Locality Map 2: Central Namibia
Locality Map 3: Projected route taken by Andersson's and Kamaharero's army in June 1864