Title: Under the Southern Cross
Subtitle: Short Stories from South Africa
Editor: David Adey
Publisher: Ad. Donker; Delta House
Johannesburg; Cape Town, 1982
ISBN 0868520047 / ISBN 0-86852-004-7
Original softcover, 12 x 19 cm, 303 pages
Very good. Dustjacket minimal ripped on edges.
This anthology of short stories, edited and introduced by David Adey, provides a wide-ranging introduction to (or opportunity to renew acquaintanceship with) an art in which many southern African authors have achieved greatness. The stories mirror the evolution of a nation, from the hardships and adventures of frontier and tribal life to the world of township and city. A large number of authors have been selected, with the aim of producing a collection as representative as possible of all the characteristics, qualities and diversities of mood that co-exist in the genre.
Anon: Wilkinson, the Indian
W.C. Scully: Ukushwama
Ernest Glanville: The Black Mamba
Sir Percy FitzPatrick: The Pool
A.E.W. Mason: How Harrington Returned to Johannesburg
Perceval Gibbon: A Good End
Arthur Shearly Cripps: The Black Death
Olive Schreiner: The Buddhist Priest's Wife
Pauline Smith: The Pastor's Daughter
R.R.R. Dhlomo: Magic in a Zulu Name
Aegidius Jean Blignaut: The Bell
Herman Charles Bosman: In the Withaak's Shade
Reginald Griffiths: The White Ox
Dan Jacobson: A Day in the Country
Doris Lessing: A Sunrise on the Veld
William Plomer: A Friend of her Father's
Sarah Gertrude: Millin Pumpkins
Jack Cope: Power
Alan Paton: Sponono
Nadine Gordimer: A Company of Laughing Faces
Bob Leshoai: Masilo's Adventures
Stuart Cloete: The Finger of God
Perseus Adams: A True Gruesome
Lionel Abrahams: Same Again
Ahmed Essop: The Hajji
Sheila Roberts: Granny Kersting
Gertrud Strauss: Widows'Talk
Jayapraga Reddy: The Slumbering Spirit
Bessie Head: The Lovers
Richard Rive: Black Macbeth
Biographical notes