Title: The Runaway Horses
Author: Joyce Kotze
Publisher: Jonathan Ball Publishers SA
Cape Town; Johannesburg; South Africa, 2015
ISBN 9781868426393 / ISBN 978-1-86842-639-3
Softcover, 15 x 23 cm, 340 pages, 1 map
Two families, one Boer, one British, linked by blood, find their destinies inexorably intertwined by the tides of history as politics and imperial hubris drag them into the blood, fire and chaos of the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902. The Runaway Horses is the sweeping saga of two sets of cousins caught up in events they cannot control, and forced to take sides against each other. From the bushveld of the Transvaal to the drawing rooms of Victorian England and the pitiless slaughter of Magersfontein, Elandslaagte and Spioenkop, the De Winter and Henderson cousins form bonds of love and friendship that are tested on the battlefields of South Africa. As the early phases of the war give way to a grim campaign of farm burning and the desperation of guerrilla warfare, the cousins must make stark choices and risk everything.
Vividly realised and pulsing with passion and adventure, The Runaway Horses is the towering story of two families struggling against the tide of history. Some, pushed beyond the threshold of despair, do not survive. The others must find their way back to a place of peace and forgiveness. Through anger, injustice and betrayal, the family discovers that there is a force stronger than war.
Cast of Characters
Map: South Africa at the Time of
the Anglo-Boer War
The Summer of 1886
The Outlanders
Writings on Walls
The Time of the Pharisees
The Wild Horses
The Wilderness of Doubt
Scorched Earth
The Runaway Horses