Succulent Flora of Southern Africa

Succulent Flora of Southern Africa is an authoritative guide for academics and lay enthusiasts alike.
Court, Doreen
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Author: Doreen Court
Publisher: Random House Struik
3rd edition, Cape Town, 2010
ISBN: 9781770075870
Hardcover, 21x29 cm, 336 pages, throughout colour and b/w photographs and illustrations
, English

Dies ist die lang erwartete, neu gestaltete und aktualisierte 3. Auflage eines der bekanntesten Fachbücher über die Sukkulenten des südlichen Afrika.


Southern Africa is the natural home of the most diverse and remarkable succulent flora in the world.

Succulent Flora of Southern Africa, first published in 1981 and revised in 2000, is a classic, authoritative botanical reference, which has long served as a guide for academics and lay enthusiasts alike.

This third edition has a revised, extended text that observes recent taxonomic advances and the publication of new species.
A hands-on identification guide, it presents succulent species from eight families that are most often encountered in collections.

Descriptions include the characters of the species and their distribution in southern Africa. Representatives of each group are illustrated in colour or with sketches and photographs in black and white.

A fresh design adds to clarity and ease of reference.
This updated work furthers the knowledge and study of these extraordinary, very specialised plants.

About the author:

Doreen Court was born in the Little Karoo, educated in Grahamstown and spent nearly 30 years in Zimbabwe. With an M.Sc. degree, she is a Research Associate of the Botany Department at Rhodes University and a Fellow of the Linnean Society.


Maps of Southern Africa
• MESEMBRYANTHEMACEAE: Veld vygies or mesems
• PORTULACACEAE: Talinum, Anacampseros, Avonia, Portulacaria, Ceraria, Portulaca
• CRASSULACEAE: Cotyledon, Tylecodon, Adromischus, Kalanchoe, Crassula
• GERANIACEAE: Sarcocaulon
• APOCYNACEAE: Adenium, Pachypodium, Fockea, Stapeliads
• ASPHODELACEAE: Aloe, Gasteria, Astroloba, Haworthia, Chortolirion