Title: South Africa in the sixties
Subtitle: A socio-economic survey
Authors: H. T. Andrews; F. A. Berrill; Sir Francis de Guingand; Dr. J. E. Holloway; Dr. F. Meyer; Dr. H. J. van Eck
Publisher: South Africa Foundation
Second revised edition, South Africa 1965
Original cloth binding, 18x25 cm, 233 pages, colour illustrations, charts, statistics
Good. Little traces of usage, clean inside.
This is an age of immense material progress. This progress, to be true, has not been shared alike by all nations. They have not all the same wealth of resources to exploit, the same accumulations of capital and knowledge to apply, the same social and economic systems in which to strive, or the same tenacity of purpose to advance. South Africa does have many of the essential attributes for progress. While it can never, a pigmy amidst giants, even be near the forefront of world economic progress, it is in the forefront of economic and social progress on the huge Continent of Africa.
Africa constitutes 22% of the world land mass and although South Africa comprises only 4% of Africa, and its population only 6% of Africa's 250,000,000, we have a concentration of more than 3,000,000 Europeans, while our domestic economic activity accounts for 20% of the output and income of the whole of Africa. In this book it is the purpose of the Foundation to review the nature and the extent of the economic progress of South Africa, as well as the conditions for further economic growth. We shall deal with both the advantages and the difficulties present.